Early 19 th Century Industrialization in the US
Transportation Revolution
First Turnpike Lancaster, PA By 1832, nearly 2400 mi. of road connected most major cities.
Cumberland (National Road), 1811
Erie Canal System
Erie Canal, 1820s Begun in 1817; completed in 1825
Robert Fulton & the Steamboat 1807: The Clermont
Principal Canals in 1840
Inland Freight Rates
The “Iron Horse” (1830) 1830 13 miles of track built by Baltimore & Ohio RR By 1850 9000 mi. of RR track [1860 31,000 mi.]
The Railroad Revolution, 1850s p Immigrant labor built the No. RRs. p Slave labor built the So. RRs.
New Inventions Yankee “Ingenuity”
Resourcefulness & Experimentation p Americans were willing to try anything. p They were first copiers, then innovators 41 patents were approved 4,357 “ “ “
Eli Whitney’s Cotton Gin, 1791
Oliver Evans First prototype of the locomotive First automated flour mill
John Deere & the Steel Plow (1837)
Cyrus McCormick & the Mechanical Reaper: 1831
Samuel F. B. Morse 1840 – Telegraph
Elias Howe & Isaac Singer 1840s Sewing Machine
Lowell Mill
Early Textile Mill Loom Floor
Early Textile Loom
New England Textile Centers: 1830s
New England Dominance in Textiles
Regional Specialization EAST Industrial SOUTH Cotton & Slavery WEST The Nation’s “Breadbasket”
American Population Centers in 1820
American Population Centers in 1860
National Origin of Immigrants: Why now?
Changing Occupation Distributions: