American Imperialism How the United States Became a World Power
Imperialism Defined The policy of extending a nation’s authority by territorial acquisition or by the establishment of economic and political hegemony over other nations. OR The policy, practice, or advocacy of extending the power and dominion of a nation, especially by direct territorial acquisition or by gaining indirect control over the political or economic life of other areas. OR…
Territorial Expansion 1823 Monroe Doctrine declares Latin America to be in the United States "sphere of influence."1823 Monroe Doctrine declares Latin America to be in the United States "sphere of influence." 1846 The U.S. provokes war with Mexico and acquires half of its territory, including Texas and California.1846 The U.S. provokes war with Mexico and acquires half of its territory, including Texas and California Purchase of Alaska (Seward’s Folly)1867 Purchase of Alaska (Seward’s Folly) 1867 Secured the rights to Midway Island1867 Secured the rights to Midway Island 1893 Overthrow of Queen Liliuokalani in Hawaii1893 Overthrow of Queen Liliuokalani in Hawaii 1898 Spanish-American War (Cuba, Puerto Rico, Guam, Philippines)1898 Spanish-American War (Cuba, Puerto Rico, Guam, Philippines) 1898 Annexation of Hawaii1898 Annexation of Hawaii 1899 Open Door Policy in China1899 Open Door Policy in China 1904 construction of the Panama Canal began1904 construction of the Panama Canal began
Why? Commercial /Business InterestsCommercial /Business Interests Military or Strategic InterestsMilitary or Strategic Interests Religious or Missionary InterestsReligious or Missionary Interests Ideas of Social DarwinismIdeas of Social Darwinism Closing of the American FrontierClosing of the American Frontier
Take up the White Man's burden-- Send forth the best ye breed-- Go, bind your sons to exile To serve your captives' need; The White Man's Burden By Rudyard Kipling McClure's Magazine 12 (Feb. 1899).
Hawaii Descendants of New England Missionaries to Hawaii in the 1820sDescendants of New England Missionaries to Hawaii in the 1820s Hawaii became a protectorate of the US in1849Hawaii became a protectorate of the US in1849 A successful revolt led by a white minority in 1893 resulted in the removal of the native monarch, Queen Liliuokalani.A successful revolt led by a white minority in 1893 resulted in the removal of the native monarch, Queen Liliuokalani. Hawaii, annexed in 1898 by joint resolution of Congress, was used as a naval deposit during the Spanish American War.Hawaii, annexed in 1898 by joint resolution of Congress, was used as a naval deposit during the Spanish American War.
Queen Lydia Liliuokalani Sanford Ballard Dole
Spanish American War Jan USS Maine was ordered to Havana harbor 15 Feb - USS Maine mysteriously blew up in Havana harborJan USS Maine was ordered to Havana harbor 15 Feb - USS Maine mysteriously blew up in Havana harbor Apr - War was declared against Spain19-20 Apr - War was declared against Spain "a splendid little war""a splendid little war" –Of 274,000 men, 5,462 died (362 in battle) and 1,604 were wounded
Results of the War Spain partly lost to avoid civil war at homeSpain partly lost to avoid civil war at home Gained unofficial control over Cuba (had independence with restrictions: Can invade anytime, Guantanamo Bay set up, no treaties with other nations)Gained unofficial control over Cuba (had independence with restrictions: Can invade anytime, Guantanamo Bay set up, no treaties with other nations) Guam and Puerto Rico become part of the U.S. (commonwealths)Guam and Puerto Rico become part of the U.S. (commonwealths) The Philippines are ceded to the U.S. for $20,000,000The Philippines are ceded to the U.S. for $20,000,000 The U.S. gains an empireThe U.S. gains an empire
Philippine/American War Filipinos fought with us against SpainFilipinos fought with us against Spain We replaced Spain: 20 million people without their consentWe replaced Spain: 20 million people without their consent They had already declared independenceThey had already declared independence Long, bloody war: 1 million Filipinos killed in five years, guerilla warfare = concentration camps!! Mainly civiliansLong, bloody war: 1 million Filipinos killed in five years, guerilla warfare = concentration camps!! Mainly civilians “Kill everyone over 10” “Ni**er killing business”“Kill everyone over 10” “Ni**er killing business” Aguinaldo their hero and president, once he was captured it was overAguinaldo their hero and president, once he was captured it was over Never called a war – titled “Philipine insurrection”Never called a war – titled “Philipine insurrection” Many protesters: Twain, Bryon, CarnagieMany protesters: Twain, Bryon, Carnagie
A history of U.S. intervention in Latin America and the Caribbean 1823: The Monroe Doctrine declares Latin America to be in the United States "sphere of influence."1823: The Monroe Doctrine declares Latin America to be in the United States "sphere of influence." 1846: The U.S. provokes war with Mexico and acquires half of its territory, including Texas and California.1846: The U.S. provokes war with Mexico and acquires half of its territory, including Texas and California. 1855: U.S. adventurer William Walker invades Nicaragua with a private army, declares himself president, and rules for 2 years.1855: U.S. adventurer William Walker invades Nicaragua with a private army, declares himself president, and rules for 2 years. 1898: The U.S. declares war on Spain and as a result annexes Guam, Puerto Rico, the Philippines and Hawaii.1898: The U.S. declares war on Spain and as a result annexes Guam, Puerto Rico, the Philippines and Hawaii.
A history of U.S. intervention in Latin America and the Caribbean 1901 : With the Platt Amendment, the U.S. declares its unilateral right to intervene in Cuban affairs.1901 : With the Platt Amendment, the U.S. declares its unilateral right to intervene in Cuban affairs. 1903: The U.S. encourages Panama's independence from Colombia in order to acquire the Panama Canal rights.1903: The U.S. encourages Panama's independence from Colombia in order to acquire the Panama Canal rights. 1905: The Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine declares the U.S. to be the policeman of the Caribbean; the Dominican Republic is placed under a customs receivership.1905: The Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine declares the U.S. to be the policeman of the Caribbean; the Dominican Republic is placed under a customs receivership : U.S. Marines invade Nicaragua and occupy the country almost continuously until : U.S. Marines invade Nicaragua and occupy the country almost continuously until : Mexican refusal to salute the U.S. flag provokes the shelling of Veracruz by a U.S. battleship and the seizure of parts of the city by U.S. Marines.1914: Mexican refusal to salute the U.S. flag provokes the shelling of Veracruz by a U.S. battleship and the seizure of parts of the city by U.S. Marines.
Anti-Imperialism The American AntiImperialist League was founded in 1899The American AntiImperialist League was founded in 1899 Mark Twain, Andrew Carnegie were among the leadersMark Twain, Andrew Carnegie were among the leaders Campaign against the annexation of the Philippines and other acts of imperialismCampaign against the annexation of the Philippines and other acts of imperialism
Quiz 1.Give three examples of American Imperialism 2.Explain one reason why we became imperialistic 3.Explain the “White Man’s Burden” (what does racism have to do with imperialism?) 4.Where was the Spanish American war fought? 5.Name two things we won from that war 6.Why would people consider the Filipino war wrong? 7.Put these events in their correct order: Annexation of Hawaii, Filipino war, Mexican American War, Purchase of Alaska