A. Hamaker, C. Godwin Punctuation #7 We all know that commas have many jobs.
A. Hamaker, C. Godwin Tip #1 Use commas to separate items in dates. Ex. Saturday, March 20, will be the first day of spring. Ex. He was born on December 25, NOTICE: You never need a comma between the month and day.
A. Hamaker, C. Godwin Tip # 2 Use commas to separate items in addresses. Ex. My aunt has lived at 41 Pine Road, Denver, Colorado, since NOTICE : You never need a comma between a state abbreviation and zip code. Ex. Denver, CO 88776
A. Hamaker, C. Godwin Tip # 3 Use a comma after the greeting of a friendly letter and the closing of any letter. Ex. Dear Grandma Grace, Love, Junior
A. Hamaker, C. Godwin Practice: Put commas in the following sentences where necessary. Friday July was the best day of my life! Write to me at 54 Shadows Way Lansing MI
Friday, July 9, 2005, was the best day of my life! Write to me at 54 Shadows Way, Lansing, MI A. Hamaker, C. Godwin Answers: