Dr. Althe Allen, Executive Director Secondary Schools Mr. Kyle Ross, Chaparral AP
Welcome Dr. Althe Allen Executive Director Secondary Schools And Excelling Teaching and Learning
Subcommittee Reports Next Steps/Timeline
An Online Learning Philosophy that can be communicated and shared across the district with all stakeholders A communication plan to accompany the philosophy A framework that describes the elements needed in “SUSD Online Learning” A three-year action plan for the development and implementation of “SUSD Online Learning” for K-12 students; The Action Plan, Summary Document and Task Force materials will be submitted/presented to the Governing Board.
A variety of methods were used for our meetings Brainstorming through our philosophy Wiki page DimDim ~ which made me feel DimDumb Face to face ~ Our most productive
To have a clear understanding of where the District is truly going with on-line learning. Is the focus to be credit recovery? Is the focus to be both credit recovery and acceleration? Are the courses to be created and taught by our teachers? Are we purchasing an on-line product on which our teachers will put a new face”? How is the content to be presented: on-line, teleconferencing, or hybrid? These questions plagued the philosophy committee
Ultimately we decided to create a general philosophy statement The statement pulled together language from other philosophy statements that we felt would be pertinent to include We created a name for our on-line learning center (OLC) ~ imagining that SUSD would have a “home hub” for on-line learning Through much brainstorming we came up with the following statement:
SUSD's Online Learning Center (OLC) is committed to helping students achieve academic excellence by extending beyond traditional classroom walls. Dynamic and innovative courses taught by our highly qualified teachers foster a unique sense of community, dialogue and interaction. Courses provide students with rigorous learning outcomes that parallel the traditional interactive classroom while allowing educational access to all students.
May 18Subcommittee Reports to Group Plan for summer curriculum development Summer 2010Development of pilot courses Fall 2010Finalize 3-year action plan and pilot courses November 2010Presentation to Leadership Team and/or Board to include 3-year action plan and initial on line course offerings for Spring Semester 2011