National Research Conference on Strengthening School- Based Management for Effective K to 12 Implementation Ronaldo C. Reyes Tabaco National High School TABACO CITY DIVISION, REGION V Presenter Academic Performance & Attitude Towards Computer- Aided Instructions in Chemistry
Rationale/ Situationer * Students have not yet developed scientific literacy as shown by their poor performance in science exams. * Low performance in TIMMS * Filipino students fade even deeper into the background on the international stage, as reflected in results of the 2003 TIMMS (Trends in International Math and Science Study). Results of the test, taken by second year high school students, placed the country 41st among 45 participating countries, lagging at the bottom with African countries. Filipino students scored an average 35 percent, barely above students from Ghana and Botswana.
* Condes (1998) analyzed that Filipino students have difficulty for the following reasons: (1) they have not mastered the concepts needed top answer the items; (2) they do not understand the problem and; (3) the content related to some items is not formally taken up in the curriculum. * The average National Achievement Test (NAT) scores of elementary school students are at a failing 64 percent. The number further slides in high school, with the national average at 46 percent.
Students show poor performance in achievement ***Students show poor performance in achievement tests getting only less than 50% performance level in science, particularly in physics and chemistry, compared to other subjects. ***Lawson (1991) stated that most central of all educational objectives is helping the students to think. This is achieved with the use of instructional strategies and materials to integrate the learning of subject matter with learning how to learn. ***One of the strategies and approaches that can be used in chemistry teaching is the use of computer- aided instructions (CAI).
What is CAI? an application of computer in implementing instructions type of instruction which consists of drill and practice techniques, tutorial or dialogue using computer applications/ programs
21st Century citizens should be proficient in ICT literacy, defined by the Programme for International for Student Assessment (PISA) as the interest, attitude, and ability of individuals to access, manage, and evaluate information and construct new knowledge and communicate with others in order to participate in society. Appropriate and effective use of technology – fulfills and achieves a learning objective / goal. In this new century, information and knowledge matter more than ever, and the ability to use them effectively rests on a set of abilities that extend the use of traditional base of reading, writing, math and science.
How do we design/implement CAI
Statement of the Problem The main purpose of the study is to determine the effects of computer-aided instruction on the performance and attitude of chemistry students from the Engineering Science Education Program (ESEP) at Tabaco National High School. It also sought to find out the correlation between performance and attitude towards CAI lessons in Chemistry. Specifically, it sought answers to the following sub-problems: 1. What is the pre-test and post-test performance of the students in Chemistry among 1.1. control group 1.2. experimental group 2. Is there a significant pre-post mean gain in student performance in Chemistry in both groups? 3. Is there a significant mean gain difference on performance between the two groups? 4. What is the level of students’ attitude toward computer-aided instruction? 5. Is there a significant correlation between level of attitude and students’ performance in chemistry?
Statement of the Hypotheses Ho 1: There is no significant pre- post mean gain of the students’ performance in Chemistry in both group. Ho 2: There is no significant difference between the mean gain of the experimental and control group. Ho 3: There is no significant correlation between the attitude level towards computer- aided instruction and student’ performance in Chemistry. Scope and Limitation of the Study This study was limited only to finding out the effects of CAI to the performance and attitude of the Engineering Science Education Program (ESEP) students. The subjects of the study involved the 96 third year students of the said curriculum. The attitude will be limited only to the experimental group who received instruction through CAI. The study covered only the third and fourth grading period topics in Chemistry.
Theoretical/ Conceptual Framework ***This study is anchored on the two theories of learning that are very important in enhancing student’s academic performance: the cognitive theory and theory of behaviorism. Behaviorism was used as the basis for designing early audio-visual materials and many related teaching strategies, such as the use of teaching machines and programmed texts. ***Cognitive theory asserts CAI should be organized and delivered in a way that complements the cognitive structure and level of sophistication of the learner.
Theory of Behaviorism Cognitive Theory CAI implementation Attitude toward CAI 1. Improved academic performance 2. Positive attitude towards Science
Research Methodology This study used the Quasi-experimental method of research utilizing pretest- posttest design. This was used in as much as the subjects under study were already grouped before the start of the third grading period. This research is also of descriptive type utilizing correlational method because the researcher will try to find out the relationship between the attitude of the student toward CAI and their academic performance.
Before administering the test to the subjects, the test questionnaire was validated. A dry- run was conducted at Tabaco National High School to BEC 1-2 classes to measure its content validity and an item analysis was made. Suggested items which were not clear and understood were deleted, modified, or reworded. After giving the pretest, the researcher conducted the study proper in which the experimental group received instructions utilizing CAI. Assignments, tutorials/ enrichment were also done by using CAI. Backdrops: - These are full sized items, just scale them up! - Can be Copy-Pasted out of Templates for use anywhere!
The control group received instruction from the teacher using the conventional lecture/ demonstration. The conduct of the study was done 1st week of November up to 1st week of March . Administration of the posttest was then conducted 2nd week of March to the experimental and control group. CAI attitude questionnaires were also administered to the experimental group and 100% of the respondents returned the questionnaires. After the retrieval of the CAI questionnaires and checking the papers, the researcher tabulated and processed the data quantitatively to arrive at scientific analysis and interpretation of results.
Findings 1. On the pretest and posttest performance of the control and experimental group. During the pretest, both the experimental and control had little knowledge about the topics covered in the test, thus they were on below average level. The posttest result however shows that the control group and experimental group were on average level in Chemistry as exemplified on their performance level. 2. On pre- post mean gain of the students’ performance in Chemistry. The null hypothesis is rejected. There is a significant pre- post mean gain in the performance of experimental group in Chemistry. .
3. On the level of students’ attitude towards CAI 3. On the level of students’ attitude towards CAI. The students have strongly positive attitude towards CAI lessons in Chemistry. 4. Difference between the experimental and control group in their Chemistry performance. Significant difference existed between the two groups favoring the experimental one. 5. On correlation between level of attitude towards CAI and students’ performance in Chemistry. There is a significant correlation in performance and attitude towards CAI lessons in Chemistry. .
Group Pre-test Mean Performance Level Pre-test Post-test Post-test Post-test Mean Performance Level Description Mean Performance Description Level Control 18.33 36.66% Below ave. 31.81 63.32% Average Experimental 17.40 34.80% Below ave. 35.05 70.04% Average Range: 0.00 - 49.99 - below average 50.00 - 74.99 - average 75.00 - 100.00 - above average
Mean Gain T- test Test Groups Mean SD Diff. T- ratio Interpretation Pre- post Mean Gain of the Students’ Performance in Chemistry Groups Mean Gain T- test Interpretation Decision Pre- post Experimental 17.65 4.22* Significant Reject Control 13.48 1.43 Not significant Don’t reject * Significant at .05 ≥ 1.97 Difference Between the Experimental and Control Group in their Chemistry Performance Test Groups Mean SD Diff. T- ratio Interpretation Pretest Experimental Control 17.40 18.33 3.47 2.46 3.93 1.43 Not significant Posttest 35.05 31.81 3.24 3.84 3.90* Significant * Significant at .05 ≥ 1.97
Data Performance vs Attitude 35.05 33.21 0.79 2.39* 2.02 Correlation Between Level of Attitude Towards CAI and Students’ Performance in Chemistry Variables x Computed r Computed t- test Tabled Performance vs Attitude 35.05 33.21 0.79 2.39* 2.02 * Significant at .05 ≥ 1.97
Conclusions Since the experimental group obtained a higher performance level compared to the control group during the posttest, CAI enhanced the performance of the former group. Likewise, the attitude of students towards CAI has a great effect on their performance. Positive attitude towards CAI leads to a better performance in Chemistry
Recommendations 1. Computer-aided instruction can be used in the classroom to support student learning in the sciences. 2. Supervisors and administrators should encourage teachers to use CAI as an alternative approach in teaching Chemistry and other related subjects. 3. Curriculum developers and textbook writers may consider reviewing the instructional materials to incorporate CAI in science teaching.
4. Opportunity should be given for teachers to attend seminars/training on the use of computers in their instruction. 5. For the students to have a positive attitude toward CAI, the teacher should continuously motivate them to enhance their performance. 6. Research on the use of CAI is encouraged to find out the applicability to other learning areas/subjects as well as to other populations of students.