City as a Growth Machine How does a parcel of land represent a political interest?
City as a Growth Machine What can local governments do to affect value of a parcel of land? – inter-block – inter-city – “pre-conditions” of growth?
City as a Growth Machine Who are the growth machine? Who invests time and money in local politics? (p. 314) When do they get involved in politics?
City as a Growth Machine When do land-based elites compete? When do the cooperate?
City as a Growth Machine How do they build a “we feeling” in a community?
City as a Growth Machine Are they representative of the public (p 317) Of elites in the city?
City as a Growth Machine Who bears the cost of new development? Of “the outcome of growth distribution?” Why?
City as a Growth Machine Do parades, sports teams, spelling bees sustain the growth machine coalition? What institution(s) plays the statesman, civic booster role? Still, in 2015?
City as a Growth Machine Do local newspapers give “jobs” & “growth” priority over “the environment?”
City as a Growth Machine What liabilities of the growth machine? Does growth generate net fiscal gain for a city?
City as a Growth Machine What is “symbolic politics” vs. “real” issues? – Is the growth machine non-ideological? Is there money in politics for symbolic issues?
City as a Growth Machine If growth costs taxpayers more than it costs, why grow? Why would population growth cost places more $$ than new taxes bring in?
City as a Growth Machine Jobs….what relationship between local employment and growth? What is Molotch’s vision of the labor market? What advantage do local workers have over newcomers?
City as a Growth Machine What is the “emerging counter-coalition” (in 1975)? What limits to this coalition?