BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING UCIrvine University of California, Irvine Andrew J. Putnam, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Workshop on BME Teaching of Innovation, Design & Entrepreneurship
BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING UCIrvine Problem-based learning: An effective method to teach innovation & entrepreneurship Problem-based learning (PBL) –First introduced in the mid-1960s at McMaster University –Used routinely in medical school curricula –Introduced at UC Irvine by Prof. Steve George and Dr. De Galow (Director of the Instructional Resource Center at UCI) Characteristics of PBL –Students are repeatedly presented with “real-world” problems –Acquire skills in teamwork, information collection analysis, and problem solving –Integrate knowledge from didactic lectures until they understand the concepts required to solve the problem –Problems stimulate inventiveness, creativity, and enthusiasm for BME
BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING UCIrvine Guest Lectures Introduce BME research areas at UCI Introduce mentors for BME careers Attract UG researchers into BME labs Define BME and a biomedical engineer’s unique role in society Introduction to Biomedical Engineering (BME 1) Instructor: Prof. Abe Lee 2 units (1 design unit) Group Projects (PBL) Students are placed into teams of 4-6 for 2 PBL assignments 1.Reverse engineering: analyze how a particular BME technology or device works. 2.Design engineering: design an effective strategy to improve a specific biomedical device or technology.
BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING UCIrvine Standard Lecture Format Physiological function from a cellular, molecular, and biophysical perspective Courses are designed to familiarize students with applying engineering principles to molecular processes within cells 40+ students during Winter/Spring 2003 Cell and Molecular Engineering I/II (BME 50A/B) Instructors: Prof. Andy Putnam (50A) Prof. Jim Brody (50B) 4 units each (2 design units each) Implementation of PBL Three “open-ended” design problems assigned during the course. 1.A diabetic patient’s trek across Antarctica 2.Design a process for the large scale production of insulin 3.Design an alternative gene chip that doesn’t impinge on existing patents
BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING UCIrvine Biomedical Engineering Clinical/Industrial Design (BME 180A/B) Instructors: Prof. Bill Tang and Prof. Abe Lee 4 units each (4 design units each) Standard Lecture Format Senior-year capstone design courses (will be taught for first time in the Academic Year). Presentation of design issues to be considered: –Economic feasibility and innovation –Safety and reliability –Ethics and marketing Implementation of PBL Incorporate local BME companies in the education –in consultation with our corporate advisory board). –What are the essential industrial elements to teach the students? Incorporate hands-on projects (with industry mentors?) –How can industrial internship be included as part of the courses?
BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING UCIrvine Assessing outcomes Standard exams, homework assignments, and quizzes Written reports, oral presentations, and peer assessments for PBL assignments Student evaluations of PBL vs. traditional didactic lectures Future assessments: –Student enrollments –Feedback from alumni –Feedback from local industry via corporate advisory board
BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING UCIrvine An example of “best practices” Pacemaker Today History Engineering and Design Principles Manufacturing Methods Intellectual Properties Perpetual Rotor Electrochemistry Principles Physiological Principles Reverse Engineering Design Engineering