1 CS 430 Database Theory Winter 2005 Lecture 4: Relational Model
2 Domains A Domain is a set of atomic values Atomic: the values are indivisible as far as the relational model is concerned Easy examples: Numbers Character strings Dates Questionable example: A set of Character Strings Allowed by some theoreticians Not allowed by many RDBMSs Assumption: Domains come with appropriate operations for each domain
3 Relation Schema Denoted by: R(A 1, A 2, …, A n ) R is the name of the Relation A 1, A 2, …, A n is the list of attributes of R Attributes are names Each attribute has an associated Domain: dom(A i ) n is the Degree or Arity of the Relation Example: PROJECT (PName, PNumber, PLocation, DNum) Domains: Appropriate strings and numbers
4 Tuples Relation or Relation State Date: Relation Variable r(R) = {t 1, t 2, …, t m } May use just r if the context is clear A mathematical set Each t = An (ordered) tuple of values Each v i is either a member of dom(A i ) or the special null value Mathematically r is a subset of the cartesian product of the dom(A i )
5 Relations The term Relation State is used to emphasize the potential time varying nature of the relation Characteristics There is no order for the tuples of relation (the t i ) The ordering of values in a tuple is only important to associate each value with the corresponding domain It is possible to define relations as a mapping of attributes to values, thereby removing the order However, in SQL there are cases where the order is important The null value is provided for representing unknown or not applicable data
6 Relations (Continued) A Relation can be viewed as a set of facts or assertions in a logic programming language “Closed World” assumption: all true (at the current time) facts are in the database “Open World” assumption: opposite of “Closed World” Most database applications make the “closed world” assumption Notation t[A i ] or t.A i or t[i] can be used to refer an attribute value t[A u, A v, … A z ] or t.(A u, A v, … A z ) can be used to refer to the corresponding sub-tuple of t
7 Database A Relational Database Schema S is a set of Relations and a set of Integrity Constraints S = ({R 1, R 2, …, R m }, IC) Integrity Constraints are a collection of assertions or predicates that should be satisfied by the database A Database State DB is A set of Relation States DB = {r 1 (R 1 ), r 2 (R 2 ), …, r m (R m )} which satisfy the Integrity Constraints
8 Example Relational Schema See Figure 5.5 of Text Book Relational State See Figure 5.6 of Text Book
9 Constraints Internal Ones enforced by the DBMS External Ones true in the users view of the world Some may be enforced by Application software
10 Types of Internal Constraints Inherent Model Based Constraints Ones based on relational model, e.g. no repeated values Schema-Based Constraints Domain Constraints Attributes must be in the corresponding domain Key Constraints and Constraints on Null Values Entity Integrity, Referential Integrity, and Foreign Keys General Constraints and Triggers
11 General Constraints and Triggers Some DBMSs provide mechanisms for General Constraints and Triggers General constraint: an arbitrary assertion attached to a Table (Relation) or Schema Trigger: procedural code that is executed when certain kinds of events (e.g. updating the database) occur These can be used to enforce arbitrary constraints Example: No employee makes more than their supervisor
12 Key Constraints Super Key For a given relation R, a subset of the attributes {A u, A v, … A z } such that t[A u, A v, … A z ] uniquely determines t (Candidate) Key A super key which is minimal or irreducible in the sense that no smaller subset of the attributes is also a Super Key Primary and Alternate Keys Primary Key - some chosen (distinguished) Candidate Key Alternate Key - any non-primary Candidate Key
13 Entity Integrity All attributes of a primary key are non-null Good practice: All attributes of an candidate key are non-null Question: If nulls are allowed how is it a candidate key?
14 Foreign Keys Foreign Key or Referential Integrity Constraint Given relations R 1 and R 2, a subset FK of the attributes of R 1, FK = {A u, A v, … A z } is a foreign key referencing R 2 which has primary PK if given t 1 a tuple in R 1 either 1. t 1 [FK] is null, or 2. there exists a tuple t 2 in R 2 with t 1 [FK] = t 2 [PK] Notes 1. R 1 and R 2 can be the same relation 2. Circular foreign key dependencies are allowed Example: See figure 5.7 in Text Book
15 Database Operations and Constraint Violations Three basic kinds of update operations in the relational model: Insert Update Delete What happens if an operation causes a constraint violation Especially violation of a referential integrity constraint
16 Possible Remedies No Action Don’t do anything, accept the action as is This may cause problems “down the road” Restrict Refuse the action Cascade Cascade the change to other tuples to correct violation Set Null and Set Default Set offending attributes to null or a default value
17 Insert Violations Domain constraint Insert value not in domain Key constraint New tuple with same key Entity integrity Primary key attribute is null Foreign Key Foreign key refers to tuple that doesn’t exist Generally Restrict (i.e. Reject) such an Insert
18 Delete Violations Foreign Key Delete primary key referred to by foreign key Remedies: No Action: Accept operation May result in subsequent integrity violations Restrict: Reject operation Cascade: delete referring records Set Null or Set Default: Modify referencing keys to some other value
19 Update Violations Domain, Key, Entity Same as insert - usually Rejected Foreign Key Modify primary key referred to by foreign key No action, Restrict, Set Null or Set Default: same as insert Cascade: modify referencing keys to new value