International Atomic Energy Agency IAEA Nuclear Data Section ENSDF Activities D. Abriola International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, Austria 17 th Meeting of the International Network of Nuclear Structure and Decay Data Evaluators, June 2007
International Atomic Energy Agency ENSDF Activities Started collaborating with NNDC in 2004 (A.A. Sonzogni), while Daniel was working at Physics Dept., TANDAR Laboratory, CNEA, Buenos Aires, Argentina Attended ICTP NSDD workshop at Trieste, Italy, 4-15 April 2005 Continued NNDC-CNEA mentoring process (A.A. Sonzogni) from mid-2005 onwards
International Atomic Energy Agency A=94 from 94 Se to 94 Ag, 14 nuclides
International Atomic Energy Agency worked at NNDC from 18 Jan to 15 Feb 2005 on A = 94 (NDS 107 (2006) 2423) previous - J.K. Tuli, Nucl. Data Sheets 66 (1992) 1 NucleusFinishedRelevant new papers 94Ag (Z=47, N=47)01/21/056 94Pd (Z=46, N=48)01/24/053 94Rh (Z=45, N=49)01/28/054 94Ru (Z=44, N=50)02/04/055 94Tc (Z=43, N=51)02/09/058 94Mo (Z=42, N=52)05/15/ Nb (Z=41, N=53)04/21/051 94Zr (Z=40, N=54)06/02/055 94Y (Z=39, N=55)02/14/051 94Sr (Z=38, N=56)02/09/051 94Rb (Z=37, N=57)01/26/051 94Kr (Z=36, N=58)01/20/054 94Br (Z=35, N=59)01/19/051 94Se (Z=34, N=60)01/19/ submitted to referee: 12/05/05 agreed final version: 02/08/06 published: 09//06
International Atomic Energy Agency worked at NNDC from 16 Jan to 12 Feb 2006 on A = 96; IAEA-NDS from Feb 2007 onwards previous - L.K. Peker, Nucl. Data Sheets 68 (1993) 165 NucleusFinishedRelevant new papers 96Ag (Z=47, N=49)02/08/065 96Pd (Z=46, N=50)02/09/063 96Rh (Z=45, N=51)1 96Ru (Z=44, N=52)05/14/078 96Tc (Z=43, N=53)5 96Mo (Z=42, N=54)8 96Nb (Z=41, N=55)1 96Zr (Z=40, N=56)11 96Y (Z=39, N=57) 1 96Sr (Z=38, N=58)2 96Rb (Z=37, N=59)4 96Kr (Z=36, N=60)02/10/053 96Br (Z=35, N=61)02/11/051 53
International Atomic Energy Agency ENSDF Activities Employed at IAEA, January 2007 onwards Agreed continuation of mass chain evaluation efforts at IAEA, working in conjunction with A.A. Sonzogni Also working with Mark Kellett (IAEA- NDS) on specific NSR commitments
International Atomic Energy Agency Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), Trieste, Italy IAEA-ICTP NSDD Workshops