The “Ball of Liberty” keeps on rolling… Vive la révolution!
More “Isms” LiberalismNationalism The belief in individual rights and equality Similar to the French Revolution before Napoleon, many people around the world were fighting for these rights Napoleon brought nationalism to many European countries Nationalism is having pride in one’s country/heritage People banded together to maintain their heritage
Congress of Vienna 1815 In order to put Europe back together after Napoleon’s reign, the European powers met in Vienna. They redrew the map of Europe, shrinking France to its current size. This peace settlement created challenges for certain countries.
The Monarchy Returns The Congress of Vienna also restored Louis XVIII to the throne of France (making him King Louis XVIII – 18 th ) This Louis did create a constitution, but he also kept much of his power Constitution was called Charter of French Liberties When Louis XVIII died, his younger brother Charles X took the throne
French Revolution of 1830 Charles X believed in absolutism What is absolutism? He suspended rights granted from his brother’s Charter Suspended the legislature Limited the right to vote Restricted the press Citizens protested by putting up barricades, firing on soldiers, and flying the tricolor… all of which scared Charles and sent him packing to England
The “Citizen King” The French legislature chose Louis Philippe to replace Charles X; he was a cousin of Charles Louis Philippe had been a supporter of the 1789 Revolution He dressed like the bourgeoisie instead of a king, wearing a frock coat and top hat
French Revolution of 1848 Louis Philippe’s policies however, favored the upper middle class at the expense of the working class Discontent grew and people started secretly meeting in the hopes of forming a French republic A recession heightened discontent During February 1848, angry crowds took to the streets By June the upper middle class had regained control, but the working class was restless and again took to the streets A rebellion ensued and at least 1,500 people were killed before the government put an end to the violence Finally, a constitution was issued for the Second Republic led by president Louis Napoleon, nephew of Napoleon Bonaparte
Louis Napoleon France adored him Louis Napoleon again, like his uncle, used his power to his advantage Louis Napoleon become Emperor Napoleon III France supported this as most thought a monarchy was more stable than a republic Napoleon III enjoyed prosperity at first However, Napoleon III ventured into foreign adventures that eventually would bring down his empire and end French leadership in Europe
Revolution Spreads Belgium The French uprising the toppled Charles X ignited revolution in Belgium Belgians wanted independence from the Dutch King 1831 – Belgium became an independent state Poland Staged an uprising in 1830, but failed to gain independence Many survivors fled Germany and Italy Workers were demanding changes Potato famine in Germany
Latin American Wars of Independence
Discontent A social, racial, and political system set up during 300 years of Spanish rule created frustration Only Spanish-born individuals could hold top jobs in the government and the Church Creoles, European-descended Latin Americans who owned land, disliked their second-class status Mestizos, people of Native American and European descent, were angry at being denied power that the whites received Enslaved Africans working on plantations longed for freedom
An opportunity is seen Colonists in North America had gotten rid of the British Young creoles who had traveled to Europe were inspired by the French Revolution and ideas of “liberty, equality, and fraternity” Napoleon Bonaparte had ousted the Spanish king creating weakness in Spain that could provide Latin America with opportunity
Revolts Slave revolt in Haiti in the 1790s Father Miguel Hidalgo raised a cry for freedom which called for Mexicans to fight for “Independence and Liberty” Mexico won independence from Spain in 1821 Native Americans revolted in South America in 1780 Brazil won independence in 1822
Today – Arab Spring democratic uprisings that arose independently and spread across the Arab world in 2011 originated in Tunisia in December 2010 and quickly took hold in Egypt, Libya, Syria, Yemen, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, and Jordan Tunisian police confiscated his cart and beat him because he did not have a permit. He went to the municipal office to file a complaint, where workers there ignored him. Bouazizi then set himself on fire act of desperation highlights the public's boiling frustration over living standards, police violence, rampant unemployment, and a lack of human rights
Exit Slip… 1. Pick one revolution studied today that ties in with the idea of liberalism. Why did you choose this one? 2. Pick one revolution studied today that ties in with the idea of nationalism. Why did you choose this one? 3. Which ‘ism’ would the Arab Spring fit in with best? Why? Each question above is worth 2 points (6 points total).