Look at Figures 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 in Module 175 and answer the following questions What are the variables shown on the graph? How does this relate to climate change? What are the trends that you read off the graph on climate change? Does this provide convincing evidence to support anthropogenic climate change?
Terrestrial Biomes – select an individual biome than complete a tough one as a group. Where is the biome found? What is the average temperature? Does it change seasonally? What is the average precipitation? Does it change seasonally? Name a few typical plants in the biome. Name a few typical animal species in the biome. Name any human influence on the biome.
Aquatic Biomes – select an individual biome and than complete a tough one as a group Determine the light conditions, salinity, oxygen availability, turbulence, nutrient concentration in your biome. Determine how these abiotic factors influence plant life in your biome. Determine how the abiotic factors and plants influence animals in your biome. Explain how human influence altered the biome.