Welcome Parents! Mrs. Roeder’s Kindergarten Copyright 2008 Sandra Roeder
Overview All about Mrs. Roeder Our daily schedule Curriculum Special Classes Class Rules/Behavior Plan Our Class Website Practicing skills taught in class Contacting Mrs. Roeder
Getting to know Mrs. Roeder 16 years overall experience in education Taught 1 st Grade for 1 year Taught 2 nd Grade for 3 years Special Ed. Instructional Aide for 1 year Assistant 1 st Grade Teacher for 3 years Head Kindergarten Teacher for BCIU Wrap- Around Program at Schuylkill Valley Elementary for 2 years This is my sixth year teaching full-day kindergarten at S.V.
Full Day Kindergarten Daily Schedule 8:40-9:00 Check-In/Books & Puzzle Time 9:00-9:15 Morning Exercises 9:15-9:30 Circle Time 9:30-10:10 Kid Writing 10:10-10:20 Movement Activity 10:20-11:00 Reading 11:05-11:35 Lunch 11:40-12:05 Recess 12:15-1:00 Math 1:00-1:15 Snack 1:15-1:45 Interventions 1:45-2:20 Specials 2:20-3:10 Science/Social Studies/Crafts/Free Play
Curriculum Highlights Kid Writing Children begin writing on day one Journal writing every other day Integrate kid writing in other curriculum areas Each child progresses at own pace Strengthens fine motor skills and develops amazing growth in phonics skills
Examples of Kid Writing Growth Typical One Year Progress Sample 1 August April
Examples of Kid Writing Growth Typical One Year Progress Sample 2 AugustMay
More Curriculum Highlights Differentiated Instruction Small group instruction during Math Small group instruction during Language Arts Differentiated center activities Guided Reading Kid Writing Individually designed instruction as needed
Special Classes Gym (Mr. Todd Reinert) 2 xs per cycle Music (Mrs. Deb Kerchner) 2 xs per cycle Art (Mrs. Carey Steward) 1 x per cycle Library (Mrs. Amber Koch) 1 x per cycle Computer (Mrs. Julie Cherry) 1 x per cycle beginning in January.
Classroom Rules Be Kind Share Raise Your Hand Listen When The Teacher Is Speaking Follow Directions Keep Hands and Feet to Yourself Respect School and Others’ Property
Behavior Chart System Each student will have his/her name of a clothespin that is attached to a green color strip on a poster chart The color strips on the chart move from green, to yellow, to blue, to red. The goal is for your child to stay on the green strip for the day by following classroom rules If your child’s pin moves to yellow this is a warning that he/she needs to try to make better choices If your child’s pin moves to blue, 10 minutes of recess is lost If your child’s pin moves to red, a note or phone call to the parent will be made and an entire recess will be lost
KRO’s Web Page Information I use a class wiki page to give parents and students information about what is going on in our classroom, upcoming events, and important reminders. This is basically an electronic version of the monthly newsletters I will be sending home in the childrens’ folders. Students and parents can also go here to find fun games to practice skills being taught in class. Beginning in September, I will feature a Superstar of the Week page, on our wikispace. Look for your child’s page when it is his/her Superstar Week. Go to and be sure to check out the video on the KROFUN page, to give your child a special preview of some of the fun things we do in Kindergarten. Important!!! Please fill out the Contact Information form that is found on the wikipage and submit it to me as soon as possible. It is found on the GENERAL INFORMATION FORM page of the wikispace. Thank you! This is something new that I am trying, this year. So bear with me if we have any glitches. You will always have a hard copy of the monthly newsletter. The site is just a backup and a fun addition. If you have any questions about using this site, please feel free to contact me at any time.
Contacting Mrs. Roeder School Phone
Conclusion:Welcome to a Wonderful Year! Full-Day Kindergarten offers your child many exciting opportunities Our full-day schedule gives the opportunity to meet the needs of all children’s learning styles Exposure to the arts and sciences Extra time for socialization Fun memories for you and your child to share!