Day 3 RBM - Linking rights and results. How to integrate human rights? Government-UN cooperation helps… Those who have entitlements to claim them Those.


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Presentation transcript:

Day 3 RBM - Linking rights and results

How to integrate human rights? Government-UN cooperation helps… Those who have entitlements to claim them Those who have responsibilities to honour them Focus on the most excluded, disadvantaged 3 key questions… –Whose rights are not being met? –Who has a responsibility to act? –What do these people need to be able to act? (authority, skills, resources)

Practical Implications What it doesn’t mean …that for every article of every convention there must be a national policy or programme response with specific indicators What is does mean.. Policy development and programmes should address the causes and capacity gaps that prevent some people from enjoying their rights.

HRBA to Results Based Programme Planning Impact:Realization of human rights, as laid down in international instruments ↑ Outcome: Increased performance of rights- holders and duty-bearers ↑ Outputs: Capacity development of RHs, DBs ↑ Process:Guided by Human Rights principles

HRBA  RBM Outcomes – A change in the performance of rights holders and duty-bearers –What are RH and DB doing differently? Outputs – A change in the capacities of RH and DB? –What are the new services, products, authority, responsibility, skills, resources that contribute to performance?

Day 3 Linking Rights with results: The three step approach 1. Causality Analysis

3 Detailed Steps 1. CAUSAL ANALYSIS Getting to root causes Legal, Institutional, and policy frameworks 2. ROLE/PATTERN ANALYSIS 3. CAPACITY GAP ANALYSIS

Country Analysis GATHERING INFORMATION About development problems from existing sources, esp. national treaty reports and observations and recommendations from treaty bodies ANALYSIS Of root causes & their linkages ASSESSMENT Shortlist major development problems for deeper analysis

What is causality analysis? The essential first step for HRBA and RBM A technique for identifying causes of a problem which can then be used to formulate appropriate responses We can map the problem and its causes in the form of a problem tree

66 Why a causal analysis? If a problem is caused byconditionsthree

67 Why a causal analysis? If a problem is caused byconditionsthree All three conditions mustbeaddressed

Rights-based programming analysis WHY Causal analysis are rights being violated/not met? WHO are the duty-bearers? Responsibility analysis What are their ideal and actual roles? Role-pattern analysis WHAT capacities do duty-bearers Capacity gaps analysis have to fulfill their duties and what capacities do rights-holders have to claim their rights?

74 Rights not fulfilled Basic /structural causes “Society, Policies, Resources” Underlying causes “Services, Access, Practices” Immediate causes “Status” Causal analysis: “why?”

Causality Analysis Identifying which rights are not being realized and their immediate, underlying and root causes Immediate causes – the most direct cause affects individuals and households; Underlying causes normally involve service delivery and behavior Root causes include things such as tradition, economic resources, ideology

81 Immediate Causes Underlying Causes Root Causes Problem 1: HIV/AIDSProblem 2: Girl’s Education Core Problem Area Gender Discrimination

Step 2. Responsibility and role pattern analysis

3 Detailed Steps 1. CAUSAL ANALYSIS Getting to root causes Legal, Institutional, and policy frameworks 2. ROLE/PATTERN ANALYSIS 3. CAPACITY GAP ANALYSIS

Analyse responsibilities and claims and the relationships between rights holders (RH) and duty bearers (DB) Identify duty bearers and their responsibilities for respecting, protecting and fulfilling rights Identify patterns of relationships between different levels – duty bearer may also be a rights holder against the next level

Rights-based programming analysis WHY Causal analysis are rights being violated/not met? WHO are the duty-bearers? Responsibility analysis What are their ideal and actual roles? Role-pattern analysis WHAT capacities do duty-bearers Capacity gaps analysis have to fulfill their duties and what capacities do rights-holders have to claim their rights?

Step 2. Responsibility and role pattern analysis

3 Detailed Steps 1. CAUSAL ANALYSIS Getting to root causes Legal, Institutional, and policy frameworks 2. ROLE/PATTERN ANALYSIS 3. CAPACITY GAP ANALYSIS

Analyse responsibilities and claims and the relationships between rights holders (RH) and duty bearers (DB) Identify duty bearers and their responsibilities for respecting, protecting and fulfilling rights Identify patterns of relationships between different levels – duty bearer may also be a rights holder against the next level

Rights-based programming analysis WHY Causal analysis are rights being violated/not met? WHO are the duty-bearers? Responsibility analysis What are their ideal and actual roles? Role-pattern analysis WHAT capacities do duty-bearers Capacity gaps analysis have to fulfill their duties and what capacities do rights-holders have to claim their rights?

Step 3 Capacity Gap Analysis

3 Detailed Steps 1. CAUSAL ANALYSIS Getting to root causes Legal, Institutional, and policy frameworks 2. ROLE/PATTERN ANALYSIS 3. CAPACITY GAP ANALYSIS

Capacity Analysis in HRBA essential prerequisite for duty bearers to be able to fulfill their responsibilities and for claim holders to claim their rights entails different elements, all of which need to be analysed to identify capacity development needs

Analysis of duty-bearers’ capacity gaps Motivation(accountability) Does duty bearer feel an obligation to perform the role according to the obligation? If not why not? Authority Does duty bearer have authority to perform the role according to the obligation? If no who does? Resources Does duty bearer have human, organisational and financial resources to perform the role according to the obligation? If not, what’s missing?

Analysis of rights-holders’ capacity gaps Understanding Does the rights-holder know that he or she has rights and can claim them? If not, why? Resources Does the rights-holder have the financial, technical and human resources to claim his or her rights? If not, why? Risks What risks might ensue from claiming his or her right?

The role of capacity development