Centre for Genetic Resources, the Netherlands Workpackage 1: Documentation Rob van Treuren EU Leafy Veg WP-leaders meeting WHRI, June 2009.


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Presentation transcript:

Centre for Genetic Resources, the Netherlands Workpackage 1: Documentation Rob van Treuren EU Leafy Veg WP-leaders meeting WHRI, June 2009

Centre for Genetic Resources, the Netherlands WP1: Objectives Crop databases Update of the ILDB DB development for spinach, chicory and minor crops Selection of material to be used in other WPs Linkage of data from other WPs to databases Organization of a safety duplication system Identification of gaps within the collections

Centre for Genetic Resources, the Netherlands WP1: Workplan Collection of passport data Consortium, other European and non-European collections Selection of material for use in other WPs Regeneration, characterization, evaluation Incorporation of new data in DB’s Characterization, evaluation and utilization data Design of safety duplication system Design of system and implementation Identification of collection gaps Analysis of new databases

Centre for Genetic Resources, the Netherlands WP1: Duration and coordination Duration Month 1-48 WP-leader CGN Task-leaders CGN (lettuce and spinach) GEVES (chicory) IPK (minor crops)

Centre for Genetic Resources, the Netherlands WP1: Material included in the databases LettuceSpinachChicoryMinor LVs Total # Collections # Accessions

Centre for Genetic Resources, the Netherlands WP1: Downloadable datafiles in database LettuceSpinachChicoryMinor LVs Total WP2 Characterization WP3 Evaluation02125 WP4 Utilization00000 Total

Centre for Genetic Resources, the Netherlands WP1: Procedure for providing project data Partners Enter the data in the applicable format file available from the project website Send data to their WP-leader Characterization: IPK (Stefanie Thumm) Evaluation: GEVES (Pascal Coquin) Utilization & marketing: WHRI (Dave Pink) WP-leaders Final check and forwarding to CGN CGN Make the data on-line available as downloadable files

Centre for Genetic Resources, the Netherlands WP1: Workplan safety duplication Inventory current status for each partner Identification of bottlenecks None reported Identification of suitable hosts 5 project partners available Safety duplication of at least the material involved in the project

Centre for Genetic Resources, the Netherlands WP1: Status overview safety duplication

Centre for Genetic Resources, the Netherlands WP1: Workplan gap analysis To be discussed

Centre for Genetic Resources, the Netherlands WP1: Deliverables Deliverabl e MonthDescriptionStatus D0130Passport data of the four leafy vegetable (LV) collections donated Ongoing D0248Databases of the four crop groups developed and on the Internet Completed D0348Evaluation and characterization results in fixed formats linked to the databases Ongoing D0448Safety duplication system of the LV collections established Ongoing D0548Gaps in the four LV crop collection groups identified Start 2009

Centre for Genetic Resources, the Netherlands WP1: Milestones MilestoneMonthDescriptionStatus M013Start made selecting material used for the evaluation activities Completed M023Start made requesting passport data for the four crop groups Completed M036Material selected for regeneration and characterization of the four crop groups Completed M0412Material selected for the evaluation activities of the four crop groups Completed M0512Inventory of system of safety duplication of the collections made and discussed during the second project meeting Completed M0624Passport data of most collections of the four databases delivered Completed

Centre for Genetic Resources, the Netherlands WP1: Milestones MilestoneMonthDescriptionStatus M0736Databases with passport data for the four crop groups nearly finalized Completed M0836Part characterisation and evaluation data donated and start made including these in the databases Completed M0936Safety duplication of part of the collections realized Completed M1036Start made identifying gaps in the collectionsTo be started M1142Start made with making the databases available via the Internet Completed M1242Safety duplication of collections inside the project realized Ongoing M1345Most characterisation and evaluation data donated for inclusion in the databases Ongoing

Centre for Genetic Resources, the Netherlands WP1: Status summary WP1 is still on schedule Action points Increase of content minor LV database Uptake of more collections (lamb's lettuce and Rucola) Other minor LVs (asparagus, artichoke and Rheum) Increase of number of project data files in the databases Development of workplans for gap analysis

Centre for Genetic Resources, the Netherlands WP1: Draft workplan gap analysis Description crop genepool Analysis of the new databases CGN:Lettuce and spinach (lettuce: build on GENE-MINE) GEVES:Chicory IPK: Minor leafy vegetables Distribution summaries Cultivated, breeding lines, landraces, wild relatives Origin countries cultivated material Coverage wild genepool (primary, secondary, tertiary) Origin countries wild relatives Identification of under-representations Recommendations for acquisition