EXHORTATIONS – BLOOD OLD TESTAMENT PRINCIPLES –GEN. 9:4, 6 –PROV. 6:17 –EX. 12:13 –EX. 24:7-8 –EX. 29:21 –EX. 30:10 –ROM. 15:4
EXHORTATIONS – BLOOD NEW TESTAMENT –HEB. 9:22 –JN. 19:34 –MATT. 26:28 –JN. 6:54 –1 COR. 10:16, 11:25 –EPH. 2:13 –ACTS 20:28
EXHORTATIONS – BLOOD POWER OF THE BLOOD OF CHRIST –ROM. 5:9 –EPH. 1:7 –COL. 1:14, 20 –1 PET. 1:18-19 –REV. 1:5 –1 JN. 1:7 –REV. 12:11
EXHORTATIONS – BLOOD CONCLUSION - –In the scriptures blood is associated with life both physically and spiritually. –God’s word teachers us principles concerning this blood. –Without the shedding of blood there can be no remission of sins – blood of bulls and goats will not do! –Old Hymn – There Is Power in the Blood –Have you been to Jesus for the cleansing power? Are you washed in the blood of the Lamb?