Domain of Darkness: captivity in our sins. How did we get into this domain of darkness? Romans 5:12, James 1:14-15 accomplished, it brings forth death. Even if I am living in the domain of darkness, I am free right? –S–Suppressing the truth. Romans 1:18 –D–Dead in our sins. Ephesians 2:1 –H–Hostile to God & His Law. Romans 8:7-8 –N–No hope & without God. Ephesians 2:12 –S–Strangers to God, Enemies of God, Engaged in Evil. Col 1:21 –S–Suppressing the truth. Romans 1:18
He Rescues Us Redemption: paying our debt. –H–His Life: breaking the curse of sin. Galatians 3:13 –H–His Death: payment for our sins. 1 Peter 1:18-19 –H–His Resurrection: the power to live in freedom. Romans 6:4 Forgiveness of sins: freedom from condemnation & coercion. Romans 8:1-2
Transferred to Christ’s Kingdom Adoption as Sons & Daughters of the King Real & Lasting Forgiveness Devastating Blow to Sin A Living Hope Death Undone
Are You Free? Have you been rescued from your sins? Are you joyfully thanks-living for God? Colossians 1:12