Review of Philippians 4:2-9 Euodias and Syntyche admonished to resolve their differences, Phil. 4:2. Saints admonished to “rejoice in the Lord always,” Philippians 4:4. Don’t worry – Pray! Philippians 4:6-7. Exercise thought control, Philippians 4:8. Paul admonished the saints at Philippi to follow his example, Philippians 4:9.
Outline of Philippians 4:10-23 The Generosity of the Saints at Philippi, Philippians 4:10,14-18. Paul’s Contentment, Philippians 4:11-12. The Power of God, Philippians 4:13. The Riches of God, Philippians 4:18-20. Greetings to and from Saints, Philippians 4:21-23.
The Generosity of the Saints at Philippi, 4:10,14-18. Paul rejoiced because their care for him had “flourished again,” v. 10. Phil. 1:5 Momentarily, they had to discontinue his support. Cf. 2 Corinthians 8:1-5; 2 Corinthians 11:8-9. Now, through Epaphroditus, they had ministered unto him, 2:15; 4:18. In assisting Paul in his labors, fruit abounded unto their account, 4:17. Note: A great relationship between Paul and these brethren!
Paul’s Contentment, 4:11-12 Paul was not speaking “in respect of want,” for he had learned “to be content,” 4:11. Whether he was “full” or “hungry” he was able to cope! The “Key” to his contentment? His perspective on life and death, 1:21-23. His perspective on the things of this world, I Timothy 6:6-8. He knew God cares for His people, Hebrews 13:5. Note: we must also learn how to function in good times, Proverbs 30:8-9.
The Power of God, 4:13 Another reason for his ability to be content! Consider the “power” available to Christians: Note Ephesians 1:18-19. The “power” God wrought in Christ when He raised Him from the dead, Ephesians 1:20, and by which we have been made alive! Ephesians 2:1,5. This means that we, as Christians, are not alone in our efforts to serve the Lord; there is help available as we “work out” our own salvation, Phil. 2:12-13!
The Riches of God, Philippians 4:18-20 As they sought to alleviate Paul’s need they were assured God would supply their need, Philippians 4:19! We can not out give God! Luke 6:38. We should seek first the kingdom of God and not worry about whether or not we will survive, Matthew 6:33. But the real riches available to us are “riches in glory!” Philippians 4:19,20
Greetings to and From Saints, Philippians 4:20-23. “Salute every saint in Christ Jesus,” 4:21. “The brethren which are with me greet you,” 4:21. “All the saints salute you…,” 4:22. Note: Paul believed in greeting the saints! Cf. Romans 16:3-15,21-23. How we greet one another says a lot about us. God wants His people to care for one another!
Conclusion: There are three words we want to focus on as we conclude this lesson, and this series; those words are “riches,” “glory,” and “grace,” Philippians 4:19-20,23. “Riches” include “all spiritual blessings,” Eph. 1:3. The ultimate “riches” will be realized “in glory.” These riches are made available because of “the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ,” Phil. 4:23. To obtain these riches we must enter Christ by obeying the gospel of the grace of God.