Objectives Explain the history of programming languages Define the terminology used in object-oriented programming languages Create a Visual Basic .NET Windows-based application Manage the windows in the IDE Set the properties of an object Microsoft Visual Basic .NET: Reloaded
Objectives (continued) Add a control to a form Use the Label and Button tools Enter code in the Code Editor window Save a solution Start and end an application Microsoft Visual Basic .NET: Reloaded
Objectives (continued) Print a project’s code Close a solution Open an existing solution Microsoft Visual Basic .NET: Reloaded
Programmers Programmers Programs People who write programs Directions given to a computer accomplish a given task Microsoft Visual Basic .NET: Reloaded
A Brief History of Programming Languages Machine Languages 0 (for on switch) 1 (for off switch) Tedious and prone to error Assembly Languages More advanced than machine languages Mnemonics (memory aids) Examples: MUL b1, ax Require an assembler Microsoft Visual Basic .NET: Reloaded
A Brief History of Programming Languages (continued) High Level Languages Require Interpreter or compiler Interpreter translates high-level into machine code line-by-line while program is running Compiler translates entire program before program has run English like syntax Allow for object-oriented programming Programmer focuses on using objects to achieve the program’s goal Microsoft Visual Basic .NET: Reloaded
OOP Terminology Object Class Anything that can be seen touched, or used Has Attributes - also called Properties Characteristics that describe the object Has Behaviors - also called Methods Operations the object is capable of performing Class Pattern or blueprint used to create an object Microsoft Visual Basic .NET: Reloaded
OOP Terminology (continued) Encapsulation Combination of attributes and behaviors that describe object created by class Abstraction Hiding internal details of object from user Inheritance Ability to create one class from another Polymorphism Same instruction carried out differently depending on the object giving the instruction Microsoft Visual Basic .NET: Reloaded
Illustration of OOP Terms Microsoft Visual Basic .NET: Reloaded
Visual Studio .NET IDE Integrated Development Environment Contains all the features needed to create, run, and test programs Editor for entering program instructions Compiler for running and testing program Allows creation of Web-based and Windows- based applications Microsoft Visual Basic .NET: Reloaded
Visual Studio .NET (continued) Solution .sln Container for project and files for application Project .vbproj Container for storing files associated with a specific piece of the application Files Individual files necessary to store information about the application Include forms and class information Microsoft Visual Basic .NET: Reloaded
Illustration of solution, project, and file Microsoft Visual Basic .NET: Reloaded
Starting Microsoft Visual Studio .NET Microsoft Visual Basic .NET: Reloaded
Visual Studio .NET 2003 startup screen Microsoft Visual Basic .NET: Reloaded
Purpose of windows in the IDE Microsoft Visual Basic .NET: Reloaded
HOW TO… Microsoft Visual Basic .NET: Reloaded
Creating A Visual Basic .Net Windows-Based Application Microsoft Visual Basic .NET: Reloaded
Creating A Visual Basic .Net Windows-Based Application (continued) Microsoft Visual Basic .NET: Reloaded
HOW TO… Microsoft Visual Basic .NET: Reloaded
The Dynamic Help Window Microsoft Visual Basic .NET: Reloaded
The Windows Form Designer Window Windows form object (form) Foundation for the user interface Microsoft Visual Basic .NET: Reloaded
Solution Explorer Window Contains: Projects References Addresses of memory cells Namespace – block of internal memory cells Contains code that defines a group of related classes Source files Contains program instructions – called code Examples: Assembly information, Forms Microsoft Visual Basic .NET: Reloaded
The Solution Explorer Window (continued) Microsoft Visual Basic .NET: Reloaded
The Properties Window Object box (contains name of selected object) Properties list has 2 columns Left column displays property names Right column displays Settings box Contains current value for each property Microsoft Visual Basic .NET: Reloaded
Properties of a Windows Form Object Select object to display properties Dot member access operator Separates words in property name Example: System.Windows.Form.Form Microsoft Visual Basic .NET: Reloaded
Properties of a Windows Form Object (continued) Microsoft Visual Basic .NET: Reloaded
The Toolbox Window Toolbox contains tools and other components used in creating application Tools are called controls Controls are displayed on the form Microsoft Visual Basic .NET: Reloaded
HOW TO… Microsoft Visual Basic .NET: Reloaded
The Label Tool Use tool to instantiate a Label object Object displays text that user is not allowed to edit Microsoft Visual Basic .NET: Reloaded
HOW TO… Microsoft Visual Basic .NET: Reloaded
The Button Tool Button Tool instantiates a Button control Button Control used to perform immediate action when clicked Microsoft Visual Basic .NET: Reloaded
HOW TO… Microsoft Visual Basic .NET: Reloaded
The Code Editor Window Events Event Procedures Actions such as clicking, double-clicking, and scrolling Event Procedures Set of Visual Basic instructions (code) Tells an object how to respond to an event Contained in the Code Editor Window Microsoft Visual Basic .NET: Reloaded
HOW TO… Microsoft Visual Basic .NET: Reloaded
The Code Editor Window (continued) Microsoft Visual Basic .NET: Reloaded
The Code Editor Window (continued) Class Definition Block of code that specifies attributes and behaviors of an object Inherits keyword Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form Allows derived class to inherit attributes and behaviors of base class Windows Form Designer generated code section Contains code generated by the designer Microsoft Visual Basic .NET: Reloaded
The Code Editor Window (continued) Microsoft Visual Basic .NET: Reloaded
Code Editor Window (continued) Class name list box Lists names of objects on user interface Method name list box Lists events selected object responds to Procedure Block of code that responds to an event Microsoft Visual Basic .NET: Reloaded
The Code Editor Window (continued) Microsoft Visual Basic .NET: Reloaded
Code Keyword Examples Public class frmCommission Public indicates class can be used by code defined outside the class Private Sub btnExit_Click… Sub is abbreviation for sub procedure Block of code that performs a specific task Private indicates procedure can be used only in class in which defined btnExit is name of object on user interface _Click is name of the event (Click) Microsoft Visual Basic .NET: Reloaded
The Me.Close Method Instructs computer to terminate current application Me refers to the current form .Close refers to an intrinsic method Part of built-in VB .NET language Code is performed using sequential processing, also known as sequence structure Microsoft Visual Basic .NET: Reloaded
The Me.Close Method (continued) Microsoft Visual Basic .NET: Reloaded
Saving a Solution Microsoft Visual Basic .NET: Reloaded
Starting and Ending an Application Microsoft Visual Basic .NET: Reloaded
Setting the startup object Microsoft Visual Basic .NET: Reloaded
HOW TO… Microsoft Visual Basic .NET: Reloaded
Starting an Application Microsoft Visual Basic .NET: Reloaded
Printing Your Code Microsoft Visual Basic .NET: Reloaded
Closing the Current Solution Microsoft Visual Basic .NET: Reloaded
Opening an Existing Solution Microsoft Visual Basic .NET: Reloaded
Programming Example – State Capitals Application displays the capital of the state in a label when a button with the state’s name is clicked Create buttons with labels for the following states : Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, and Arkansas Create an exit button to close the application Microsoft Visual Basic .NET: Reloaded
User Interface Microsoft Visual Basic .NET: Reloaded
Objects, Properties, and Settings Microsoft Visual Basic .NET: Reloaded
Code Microsoft Visual Basic .NET: Reloaded
Summary Programming languages have evolved from machine languages to high-level program languages Object Oriented Programming includes: Objects – things with attributes and behaviors Attributes are the characteristics of an object Behaviors are actions that an object performs Integrated Development Environment (IDE) Used to manage windows, set properties, and write code for an application Microsoft Visual Basic .NET: Reloaded
Summary (continued) Forms are the user interface of an application Contain controls such as Buttons and Labels Have code to perform specific tasks Code contained in Code Editor Window Additional Tips: Saving your Solution (do often) Saves all files associated with the application When starting an application You must specify a startup form Print your code For ease of understanding and future reference Microsoft Visual Basic .NET: Reloaded