Team 22 Aeroponic Growth Chamber Team: Daniel Wright – CprE/EE Chris Reeve – CprE Mohammed Rahim – EE Zach Davis – CprE Advisor/Client: Professor Tim Bigelow
Description A simple and affordable aeroponic plant growth chamber to study the effect of sound on plant healing and growth.
Functional Requirements Light radiation in the Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR) spectrum (400 to 700 nm). Air velocity between 0.3 and 0.7 m/s. Optimum chamber temperature of 68 F during light hours, and 77 F during dark hours. Use Hoagland solution Type I. The pH should be maintained between Capability to administer sound (noise). Sound level dB. Frequencies in the 1-16 kHz octave bands. Capability to control and monitor various environmental parameters from a remote server.
Non-functional Requirements Monitor, measure, and report the following parameters as required by NCERA-101: Atmospheric moisture inside the chamber (Relative Humidity (RH)) pH and Electrical Conductivity (EC) of the nutrient solution Substrate (air) Chamber properties: Specifications (floor area, dimensions) Barrier beneath lamps (whether present and its composition) Air flow (whether up, down or horizontal) To build a web interface to monitor and control various physical parameters.
Central Server Program
CSP testing Scheduling works Adding tasks works Not persistent yet
Oscillator Implementation
Plan/Schedule Finish PCB layout Finish UI’s Write microcontroller code Install fans and speakers Test all components If time allows - grow plants Best way to test entire project