City of Suwanee 2030 comprehensive plan. TODAY’S AGENDA Process Update Community Agenda Framework “Compass” Review  Images and Questions  Comp Plan.


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Presentation transcript:

City of Suwanee 2030 comprehensive plan

TODAY’S AGENDA Process Update Community Agenda Framework “Compass” Review  Images and Questions  Comp Plan Categories Breakout Sessions Next Steps

PROCESS AND SCHEDULE Currently in Phase Three Validation of Character Areas Defining Character Area issues, visions, priorities Begin draft Community Agenda document Plan process to wind down in November with document review, work program creation

PLANNING STRUCTURE Community Assessment  With county - Completed  “Where we are now” Community Agenda  The “meat” of the Comp Plan  Stakeholders and community input  “Where we want to be”- Vision  Implementation steps

COMMUNITY AGENDA STRUCTURE Based on Character Areas  Dedicated chapter for each Area  Narrative description of Area vision, including long-term growth policy  Quality community objectives addressed in vision for Area  Specific implementation measures to achieve objectives Chapter on community-wide issues and objectives  Addresses places not covered by Character Areas Chapter on implementation  Short-term work program  Goals / policies to support program

SUWANEE CHARACTER AREAS Emerging, but need more discussion Can focus on promoting growth, or enhancing what is already there, or a blend of both Stresses physical form, design, program Must consider the role of the Character Area in the future of the entire city Must take into account a long-term future (25 years or more)


 Strongest sense of “Suwanee Identity” – Town Center and park (43%)  Most progress on “liveability” made in civic interaction opportunities and creation of a strong town center (4.41)  In terms of population growth and diversity, need to create and maintain a strong civic spirit in the next 20 years (4.50)  Highest priority to improve future quality of life: Balancing land uses (4.42) Protecting natural environment (4.29)


Less appropriate (1) More appropriate (5) #4: 3.72

Less appropriate (1) More appropriate (5) #10: 3.60

Less appropriate (1) More appropriate (5) #2: 3.53

Less appropriate (1) More appropriate (5) #23: 1.67

Less appropriate (1) More appropriate (5) #9: 1.55

 Critical housing priority: Quality of design and construction (47%)  Senior housing is most lacking (2.40)  Most desirable neighborhoods: Village Grove Settles Bridge Shadow Brook  Preference for single family homes on large lots and a suburban environment

Economic Development

Less appropriate (1) More appropriate (5) #43: 3.35

Less appropriate (1) More appropriate (5) #37: 3.33

Less appropriate (1) More appropriate (5) #28: 3.31

Less appropriate (1) More appropriate (5) #29: 1.63

Less appropriate (1) More appropriate (5) #38: 1.40

 Healthcare and service jobs lacking (2.37)  Special programs should be instituted for business attraction (47%)  Preference for low density structures, one or two stories high and traditional architectural styles.


Less appropriate (1) More appropriate (5) #57: 4.17

Less appropriate (1) More appropriate (5) #68: 4.10

Less appropriate (1) More appropriate (5) #67: 4.06

Less appropriate (1) More appropriate (5) #70: 1.65

Less appropriate (1) More appropriate (5) #61: 1.44

 Critical transportation issues: Interchange congestion (4.85) Pass through traffic (4.60)  Other traffic problems that need to be addressed: General congestion (69%) Pedestrian safety (65%)  Two Best ways to improve and manage parking: Small, dispersed parking lots (59%) Municipal parking decks (51%)

Community Facilities

Less appropriate (1) More appropriate (5) The overall highest ranking image!! #84: 4.30

Less appropriate (1) More appropriate (5) #86: 4.21

Less appropriate (1) More appropriate (5) #85: 3.98

Less appropriate (1) More appropriate (5) #82: 3.91

Less appropriate (1) More appropriate (5) #94: 2.19

 Pressing healthcare issues: Promoting general wellness (3.96) Providing for the special needs of seniors (3.91)  Most valuable service by police force: Neighborhood watch (75%)  Preferences evenly distributed for active recreational amenities. Least preference for skate park and extreme sports  Desired passive recreational amenities: Performing arts center (59%) Cinema (55%)

Natural & Historic Resources

 Environmental issues for the future: Loss of tree canopy / vegetation (4.42) Water supply (4.28)  Most pressing historic preservation issue is landscape preservation (4.10)  People would support any incentives offered towards historic preservation (4.19)

BREAKOUT SESSIONS Three areas for discussion  North Suwanee – PIB Corridor and north  Central Suwanee – Old Town, Town Center, Buford Highway corridor  South Suwanee – Area south of Suwanee Creek, including I-85 Gateway Three groups, 20 minutes of discussion per area

BREAKOUT SESSIONS Address strategic questions:  What are the major issues affecting the area?  Do you think the area will change in 5 years? 10 years? 25 years?  Should the area change in the future? In what ways?  Should the area stay the same in any ways?

NEXT STEPS Upcoming Meeting:  September 27 – Task Force – Character Area Workshop Project web site  Please visit for more information: ( under “City & Other Services”)