The establishment of the Nazi state Summer of 1933 to August 1934
Aims of the lesson By the end of this lesson you will Understand how Hitler was able to establish his control over Germany by the summer of 1934 Evaluate the extent of his power at various points in the story Evaluate the extent of his power by the end of August 1934
Summer 1934 – a recap January 30 th 1933 – Hitler becomes Chancellor – dissolves the Reichstag 27 th March 1933 – Reichstag fire 10 th March 1933 – election. Nazis get 288 seats – short of a majority. Saved by the 52 seats of the nationalists 232rd March 1923 – the Enabling Law passed 444 to 94. gave all power in Germany to Hitler
The terror state – the SS Hitler’s bodyguards – the Black shirts led by Himmler The Nazi elite – obeyed Hitler’s every word Carried out his orders without question Feared all over Germany Controlled the concentration and death camps
The terror state – the Gestapo The GEheime STAtz POlitzi The secret police Could arrest anyone, read mail or tap their telephones Had informers everywhere – even children Arrested people at night – everyone feared a knock on the door!!!!!!
The terror state – the police and judiciary The police and courts remained but were put under Nazi control Goering was in charge of the Prussian Police – the largest police force in Germany Courts were used as a political tool – judges had to be Nazis
The removal of political opposition May 1 st 1933 – workers given a May Day holiday May 2 nd 1933 – trade unions abolished and put in prison June 1933 – the SPD and all other political parties banned Nazis were the only legal party in Germany
The Nazification of the government All non-Nazis in the civil service were removed from their jobs The states of Germany lost their powers – all powers given to Nazi “Gaulieters”