How Brand Communication Works LECTURE-15
Chapter Questions How Does Brand Communication Work? What Are Brand-Customer Touch Points?
Chapter perspective Everything, every person, and every message that touches a customer communicates something positive or negative about the organization Touchpoint
Opening Case: HB Ice Cream + +
An IMC program for the HB brand, focusing on “togetherness” theme: New logo TV spot creating a “Love Weekend” Newspaper ad tie-ins On-street promotions An IMC program for the HB brand, focusing on “togetherness” theme: New logo TV spot creating a “Love Weekend” Newspaper ad tie-ins On-street promotions To increase Irish ice cream consumption 75% of 15–24 target age group became aware of new logo Similar campaigns now being used across Europe 75% of 15–24 target age group became aware of new logo Similar campaigns now being used across Europe Opening Case: HB Ice Cream Challenge: Answer: Results:
How Does Communication Work? Communication: Creating and sending a message to an individual or organization
How Brand Communication Works
Decoding Messages Channels Source Encoding Receiver Noise Feedback Decoding Receiver Noise Channels Messages Encoding Source Marketing Communication Media
TV Commercials Are One Way of Encoding a Brand Message + +
Even a Building Serves as a Message For a Brand
Insight: Products As Media Product themselves—both goods and services—also perform as media because they carry brand messages. An example is a DVD of a Disney movie. The DVD is an entertainment product, but it is also a medium that carries the Disney brand name and says something about Disney.
Think About It This Coke machine charges more on a hot day. Would this change the way you think about Coke?
Tales From the Real World When a brand message generates no feedback from consumers it is really providing some form of input. In the real world, smart organizations don’t believe in the “no news is good news” philosophy. They are proactive and immediately begin research with consumers to find out what they are thinking about brand messages—and why they are not responding.
Brand Touchpoints
Company Created Intrinsic Unexpected Customer- Initiated Touchpoints Touchpoint Types
IMC In Action: Volvo In Manila
Create a new type of Volvo dealership: Coffee café Local bank Concerts and lectures Volvo cars and accessories Create a new type of Volvo dealership: Coffee café Local bank Concerts and lectures Volvo cars and accessories Subtly sell the Volvo brand in Manila Volvo cars selling well in the area The Volvo brand is now more appealing to a wider range of consumers Volvo cars selling well in the area The Volvo brand is now more appealing to a wider range of consumers IMC In Action: Volvo In Manila Challenge: Answer: Results:
Insight: Service Touchpoints In most organizations service people do not report to the marketing department, but rather to some other area, such as human resources, operations, etc. Nevertheless, one negative service message can more than counter the effects of dozens of positive, planned messages produced by marketing. In an integrated program, marketing works with operations and other departments to minimize negative service messages and create synergy between the planned and service messages for greater impact.
Consumers Did Not Enjoy Commercials on ATM
R ecourse: Easy access to those who can solve a problem R ecognition: Company acknowledgement of purchases and the customer’s interaction history with the company R esponsiveness: Customer satisfaction following a customer initiated company contact R espect: Showing consideration and not hammering them with advertisements and messages in which they have little interest Purposeful Dialogue Four R’s
Final Note: Sticky Communication IMC encourages the creation of messages that involve consumers for a longer time… …and that can be facilitated by new two- way communication technologies that foster a purposeful dialogue, including: Web site instant messaging and feedback 800 number interactions
Marketing Management – A South Asian Perspective by Philip Kotler, Kevin Lane Keller, Abraham Koshy & Mithileshwar Jha, 13th Edition, Published by Pearson Education, Inc. Strategic Marketing Management – Meeting The Global Marketing Challenges by Carol H. Anderson & Julian W. Vincze Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. Principles of Advertising & IMC by Tom Duncan 2 nd Edition, Published by McGraw-Hill Irwin. Principles of Marketing by Philip Kotler & Gary Armstrong Thirteenth Edition, Published by Prentice Hall Bibliography
The End: "When a man is willing and eager, the Gods join in." - Aeschylus