© 2011 wheresjenny.com Africa’s Water – At What Price ? Most of the world's one billion people who still don't have access to clean and safe drinking water live in Africa.
© 2011 wheresjenny.com Africa’s Water – At What Price ? ENGLISHFRENCH SanitationAssainissement PreservePréserver RelievingSoulager Incrediblyincroyablement SlimMince
© 2011 wheresjenny.com Africa’s Water – At What Price ? VOCABULARY SanitationConditions relating to public health, esp. the provision of clean drinking water and adequate sewage disposal. PreserveMaintain (something) in its original or existing state. RelievingCause (pain, distress, or difficulty) to become less severe or serious. IncrediblyTo a great degree; extremely Slimreduce
© 2011 wheresjenny.com Africa’s Water – At What Price ? Four major crisis in Africa : 1.Malaria - There is 90% of malaria deaths. 2.HIV/AIDS - Two-thirds of all people living have this disease. AIDS threatens to wipe out an entire generation during its most productive years. 3.Tuberclosis - One-third people have TB. 4. Water - Clean and pure drinking water.
© 2011 wheresjenny.com Africa’s Water – At What Price ? Climate change – Rain has become infrequent Stolen water – 35% of the cities water is stolen or given out through illegal connections. People migrating into cities from rural villages increases the pressure for the city to meet the water demand.
© 2011 wheresjenny.com Africa’s Water – At What Price ? Good health begins with access to clean water. Poor health leads to poor productivity. Every glass of dirty water is a potential killer. Water and Young Children Lack of Water = Lack of Equality. Girls are expected to fetch water for the house and thus lose on education.
© 2011 wheresjenny.com Africa’s Water – At What Price ? WATER AND HUNGER Relieving hunger in Africa has to begin with access to clean water. Without access to a reliable source of water, food is hard to grow and even more difficult to preserve and prepare. Water is fundamental to relieving hunger in the developing world.
© 2011 wheresjenny.com Africa’s Water – At What Price ? POVERTY IN AFRICA BEGINS WITH A LACK OF CLEAN WATER Poverty and Water are Related You can't grow food, build housing, stay healthy, stay in school and keep working. Without clean water, the possibility of breaking out of the cycle of poverty is incredibly slim. ACCESS TO CLEAN WATER - The foundation of all development Wasted Time Africa alone loses 40 billion hours per year collecting water; that's the same as a whole year's worth of labour by France's entire workforce! The hours lost to gathering water are often the difference between time to do a trade and earn a living and not.
© 2011 wheresjenny.com Africa’s Water – At What Price ? A small investment in a clean, safe source of water can have a huge impact on both crop production and the nutrition of a community. Installing of wells has led to popping of many small gardens all around. Technologies should specifically target increased crop production. Weirs (sub-surface sand dams) should be installed. There is hope WEIRS IN AFRICA : A dam placed across a river or canal to raise or divert the water.
© 2011 wheresjenny.com Africa’s Water – At What Price ? Preventative measures : A. Construction of dams in the developing area. B. Overall, infrastructure C. Access to sanitation supplies and clean water education.