Presentation by student
Bombing Mission in Vietnam Takes ground fire Plane catches fire Wingman says he shouldn’t eject Turns off all electric systems He would have been badly burned
2 Planes Struck by Lightning in flight Everything inside the planes goes crazy All communications lost Faced with two choices: Eject ▪ Plane would go down in a village Try to land the plane safely ▪ Very dangerous to the pilot
Number one generator drops off the line Tries calling the tower Second generator drops off Completely dark without Instruments Auxiliary power plant (APP) Not a briefed practice Reset the number two generator
First solo flight Lost in the middle of no where Can’t get any radio response Says a small prayer Immediately gets a radio response Receives a new heading
Low level training mission Bird strike Pilot unconscious Copilot lands the plane (Hard to do in the backseat) Landed safely Pilot is ok after a few surgeries
Demonstrating a single engine landing Touch and go procedure Hears a buzzing noise Plane yaws to the side Too fast to stop Aborts procedure Barely stops at end of runway
Setting up for landing Pilot adds 30 knots 20 knots already added Copilot says too fast to get on the ground Plane hits a microburst Slams down hard but safely