THE PARTICIPANT Jeancarlos Diaz Information Design Coding Student Council’s Technical Advisor Team Name The King of HTML
WHO IS MY CLIENT? MST Senior Class Student Council
MY GOAL/ PURPOSE IS TO Maintain the customer happy Update Seniors in MST with the most up to date news Update the website itself as new information rolls in
THE NEED Order LHS shirts Post Important Information Alert Seniors when a deadline is arriving
TARGET AUDIENCE My client Seniors in MST Members of the 2013 Student Council
MEASURING THE SUCCESS OF THE PROJECT The Happiness of the Senior Student Council How well they are able to navigate around the site
ACCOMPLISHMENTS I inserted a banner with the Official Seal of the Student Council. Links are added as they were asked for Flyers were posted in Countdowns were embed in. The site is up and running. Its being hosted by
WHAT STILL NEEDS TO BE ACCOMPLISHED I believe that everything has been touched and embedded into the website.
HOW MUCH DID MY CUSTOMER SAVE? My customer saved around $300 to $500 dollars. It’s a simple 3 to 6 page website If the customer wanted to make the website bigger, it would cost them $1,000 dollars. Depending on the amount of pages they want.
HAD PAST EXPERIENCES….. Working with basic HTML code Little experience with Adobe Photoshop
WHAT SKILLS HAVE I ADDED? Refreshed my mind with HTML coding. CSS Code. Learned a bit on how to read, insert and replace code. Webhosting. Upload the website Gained a lot of experience with Macromedia Dreamweaver and Adobe Photoshop.
TARGET AUDIENCE AN INFLUENCE TO DESIGN? Of course, the website is for young viewer wanting to get updated on information from their student council. I thought that with making the website with a cool modern look the page will attract more views. Making the site simple to use.