How These Students Were Chosen Entered the 7 th grade in 2006 at the same time Entered the 7 th grade in 2006 at the same time Have had the same Humanities teacher for two years Have had the same Humanities teacher for two years Valuable lessons learned from comparing to one another Valuable lessons learned from comparing to one another Receive SETSS for Humanities & Math Receive SETSS for Humanities & Math
Student Snapshots Jeremy Talented writer Talented writer Strong oral and auditory communication skills Strong oral and auditory communication skills Loves to read realistic fiction and graphic novels Loves to read realistic fiction and graphic novels When applies himself, he is a class leader When applies himself, he is a class leader Well respected among his peers Well respected among his peersTina Very self aware and metacognitive Very self aware and metacognitive Loves to read about teen issues like love, gossip, cheating and betrayal, friendship Loves to read about teen issues like love, gossip, cheating and betrayal, friendship Likes to write poetry about colors, the street and being a teenager Likes to write poetry about colors, the street and being a teenager
UNMS 2006 Schoolwide Data Tina’s 2006 ELA Score 582 Jeremy’s 2006 ELA Score 641 Tina’s 2007 ELA Score 641 Jeremy’s 2007 ELA Score 645
Comparing ELA Gains Tina 0.96 Gain Jeremy 0.07 Gain
How Each Student Entered the 7 th Grade Tina Came in with a lot of socioemotional baggage from the 6 th grade Came in with a lot of socioemotional baggage from the 6 th gradeJeremy Came in fairly focused and ready to work Came in fairly focused and ready to work Started off strong Started off strong
How Each Student Entered the 8 th Grade Tina Came in with a better attitude Came in with a better attitude Participated in a Summer Dance Program, which boosted her self identity Participated in a Summer Dance Program, which boosted her self identityJeremy A change in behavior/attitude starting to develop A change in behavior/attitude starting to develop Focus on school not as strong Focus on school not as strong
Each Student Now Tina Amount of independent reading time has increased Amount of independent reading time has increased Has found genres and authors she’s interested in Has found genres and authors she’s interested in Participates in Student Council & Talent Shows Participates in Student Council & Talent ShowsJeremy Attendance and lateness an area of major concern Attendance and lateness an area of major concern Does not produce work on a consistent basis across content areas Does not produce work on a consistent basis across content areas Depressed due to home life and has gradually been tuning out of school Depressed due to home life and has gradually been tuning out of school
Potential reasons why one students has improved and the other has not: Contributing Factors to Success Tina 1. Nearly perfect attendance 2. Has strong parental support 3. Can identify role models in her life 4. Has a strong sense of self 5. Increased motivation in Humanities 6. Has a positive relationship with a couple adults at school 7. Conferenced with by Humanities & SETSS teachers on a regular basis to monitor reading 8. Outside tutoring services 9. Is Part of Student Council 10. Participates in Talent Shows Jeremy 1. Attendance is an area of major concern (absences and latenesses are high) 2. Parental support is a big area of stress for Jeremy 3. Unable to identify someone he can look up to on a consistent basis 4. Very self aware emotionally, socially and academically but lacking in self esteem; Still trying to find identity 5. Lacks self motivation; too many other factors occupy his energy 6. Has rapport with Counselor and Humanities Teacher 7. Conferenced with by Humanities, SETSS Teacher & Counselor on a regular basis
What the school has done to support each student TinaJeremy Collaboration between General Ed Teachers & SETSS Teacher 8 th grade team held a Student Intervention Meeting with student and created Intervention Plan Regular Conferencing with Parent An understanding with the School Counselor Reading Conferences on a regular basis In class supports/accomodations in Humanities
Opportunities/Interventions to Promote Student Academic & Social Growth Tina Purchased classroom library books to hook her into reading more Purchased classroom library books to hook her into reading more Monitor her reading progress with conferences Monitor her reading progress with conferences Receives counseling Receives counseling Offer opportunities to shine with Student Council & Talent Show involvement Offer opportunities to shine with Student Council & Talent Show involvement Feels like she has a voice and is a leader in the school Feels like she has a voice and is a leader in the schoolJeremy Held an Academic Intervention Meeting Jan. 31 st with 7 teachers, his counselor, and Jeremy himself Held an Academic Intervention Meeting Jan. 31 st with 7 teachers, his counselor, and Jeremy himself Developed a weekly contract Developed a weekly contract Has a separate place in the classroom where he keeps his materials and work Has a separate place in the classroom where he keeps his materials and work Purchased classroom library books to keep Jeremy reading Purchased classroom library books to keep Jeremy reading Uses the computer for writing assignments and projects Uses the computer for writing assignments and projects Uses a tape recorder to record his thinking about what he reads independently Uses a tape recorder to record his thinking about what he reads independently
What can we learn from this study? What works 1. Looping classes may be why we have had literacy gains- allows for more progress earlier in the year 2. Offering extracurricular activities to promote self identity Where we can improve 1. Creating more opportunities for boys to shine 2. Purchasing more classroom library books for boys 3. Splitting Advisories by Boys & Girls 4. Tracking and encouraging student activities over the Summer