Creating Engaging and Challenging Standards- Based ESL Lessons Using Multiple Technologies Marybeth Hegel Jenny Murphy Rowan University
Engages students Differentiate instruction Learning is three-dimensional Students develop 21 st -century skills
Digital literacy reaches across disciplines Prepares students for work and life Learning and Innovation Skills: ◦Creativity and Innovation ◦Critical Thinking and Problem Solving ◦Communication and Collaboration Information, Media, and Technology Skills ◦Information Literacy ◦Media Literacy ◦ICT (Information, Communications and Technology) Literacy
VoiceThread Flip Camera Digital Recorder Document Camera PowerPoint Game iPod
Students write script, upload pictures and record narrative Share project and receive comments from other students, parents and people around the world Easily differentiated, all can participate
WIDA Standard Addressed in VoiceThread Lesson: Standard 1 – Social and Instructional Language Standard 2 – The Language of Language Arts NJCCCS Addressed in VoiceThread Lesson: English Language Arts Standards » Writing » Grade 9-10 English Language Arts Standards » Speaking & Listening » Grade 9-10 English Language Arts Standards » Language » Grade 9-10
Video is put directly on to computer Filmed ◦Poetry reading: use of headphones ◦Reading books ◦High School Skit and High School PoetryHigh School SkitHigh School Poetry ◦Put videos on YouTube to share with familiesYouTube
Used in assessment Students recorded statements for high school stop the hate program Students listen to their own voices and practice
Interactive, Engaging, and FUN! iPod ◦ Realia: Whale SoundsWhale Sounds Beluga and Humpback ◦Podcasts Conversations for ESL classroom PowerPoint Games ◦Whale Game ◦Manners Game
Computers, Internet Document Camera ◦Students presented sketches for idioms project ◦Share photographs ◦Use as a scanner to save student work for future use Digital Camera iClickers, Response Systems SmartBoard
You may have to redo or simplify directions It may take much longer than you think Plan extra activities in case technology is not working Students may be shy or hesitant at first May take more time and preparation, but the students are engaged, may develop a deeper understanding of the subject and they learn how to use technology 21 st Century Skills & reinforcing content areas
Marybeth Hegel: Jenny Murphy:
Incorporating technology is not a shifting of paradigm but a blending of the wisdom of past educational insights with the technologies of today. Our goal is to create a learning environment that is culturally diverse and globally connected.