Accelerator Physics in Finland RECFA A. Virtanen
Outline Few Remarks (1 transparency) Accelerators in Finland (4) Helsinki Turku Jyväskylä Accelerator Physics in Jyväskylä (3) Future Plans (1)
Few Remarks Research Accelerators are versatile; utilise wide range of energies, ions, intensities… Production Accelerators are more “one task” accelerators The modification of research accelerator (incl. ion sources) to production machine needs Accelerator Physics (examples) Note! Accelerator Physics Accelerator Based Physics
Accelerators in Finland Helsinki: Kumpula Accelerator Laboratory 5 MV tandem for protons and heavy ions E p = 2-10 MeV, E H-I according to stripping, e.g. Au-ions for ERDA Several ion sources, e.g. duoplasmatron for AMS… 500 kV accelerator high-current implantation and material characterisation 10 kV ion gun material modification 30 kV accelerator under construction Implantation, thin-film production, material research…
Accelerators in Finland Helsinki: Laboratory of Radiochemistry IBA 10/5 Production cyclotron Energies fixed to 10 MeV for protons and 5 MeV for deuterons Meant for the production of positron emitters Some other applications Radioisotope production (18-F) Irradiation of polymers Etc…
Accelerators in Finland Turku: Åbo Akademi MGC-20 cyclotron protons and alphas up to 20 MeV radionuclide production for PET studies in Turku PET- center + some materials study A new CC-18/9 H /D -cyclotron this autumn from Russia E p+ = 18 MeV, E D+ = 9 MeV will be installed in the PET center used for positron emitters production
Accelerators in Finland Jyväskylä: JYFL / University of Jyväskylä K-130 cyclotron Protons < 65 MeV, heavy-ions up to Xe < 1 GeV All gaseous and 19 metallic elements Two ECR (6.4 and 14.5 GHz) ion sources for heavy-ions One multicusp ion-source for H – -ions Research machine! Modifications needed for applications
Accelerator Physics in Jyväskylä History in a nutshell : design of magnets and manufacturing of the main components were done in Jyväskylä : installation of the cyclotron and the 6.4 GHz ECR 1992: First extracted beam : development of MIVOC technique 1996: First time over 6000 h/y : new 14.5 GHz ECR and H –sources built and installed 2001: 6.4 GHz ECR upgraded 2003: TWTA will be installed Oven- and sputtering techniques in progress
Accelerator Physics in Jyväskylä => Change from H + to H acceleration was necessary Built a new H ion source Built a new stripper extraction Installed a new 20º dipole Built an automated inflector changing system Application #1: Radioisotope production More intensity with lower activation was needed
Accelerator Physics in Jyväskylä Modifications will be needed Install second frequency to the 14.5 GHz ECR (TWTA) Build a new beam flux tuning system Build a new beam current integrator system Develop new beam cocktails for the ECR’s Application #2: Irradiation tests of semiconductors Ion Cocktail M/Q=3.8 Energy MeV Range μm Si LET MeV(mg/cm²) 15 N Ne Si Ar Fe Kr JYFL – Ion Cocktail produced for ESA Nov
Accelerator Physics in Jyväskylä Beam developments with both ECR’s continue actively Oven-, sputtering techniques… More intense beams, versatile and energetic beam cocktails… Future plans TWTA pushes the energy over 1 GeV !!! But, Extremely Important is to continue the co-operation with the European accelerator physics community e.g. in radioactive beams (EURISOL), in accelerators and ion sources, in educating young scientists etc… w/o forgetting the co-operation with U.S. labs, Japan, Canada… Later more powerful ECR is needed…or new accelerator?