Alexander Kappes Erlangen Centre for Astroparticle Physics for the ANTARES collaboration IAU GA, SpS 10, Rio de Janeiro, Aug Status of Neutrino Astronomy
Alexander Kappes, IAU GA, SpS 10, Rio de Janeiro, 14. Aug Outline Introduction to neutrino astronomy Neutrino telescopes: ANTARES and IceCube Selected results Outlook
Alexander Kappes, IAU GA, SpS 10, Rio de Janeiro, 14. Aug Acceleration at source (cosmic rays, electrons) Secondary particle production near source (interaction with photons or matter) Protons: pion decay Electrons: inverse Compton-scattering of photons e + γ → e + γ (TeV) Particle production in the non-thermal universe p + p(γ) → π ± + X μ + ν μ e + ν μ + ν e p + p(γ) → π 0 + X γ + γ (TeV) e active galactic nuclei (artist’s view) micro-quasars (artist’s view) supernova remnants (SN1006, optical, radio, X-ray)
Alexander Kappes, IAU GA, SpS 10, Rio de Janeiro, 14. Aug Why neutrino astronomy? Neutrinos point back to the source Neutrinos travel cosmological distances Neutrinos escape from optically thick sources Neutrinos are a clear sign for hadron acceleration Neutrinos provide complementary information to gamma-rays and protons
Alexander Kappes, IAU GA, SpS 10, Rio de Janeiro, 14. Aug Principle of neutrino detection muon νμνμ nuclear reaction cascade 43° Time & position of hits μ (~ ν) trajectory Energy PMT amplitudes
Alexander Kappes, IAU GA, SpS 10, Rio de Janeiro, 14. Aug Flux from above dominated by atmospheric muons Neutrino telescopes mainly sensitive to neutrinos from below Background: atmospheric muons and neutrinos p atmosphere cosmic rays μ νμνμ νμνμ cosmic background p μ νμνμ
Alexander Kappes, IAU GA, SpS 10, Rio de Janeiro, 14. Aug Neutrino telescope projects IceCube BaikalBaikal ANTARESANTARES NESTORNESTOR NEMONEMO
Alexander Kappes, IAU GA, SpS 10, Rio de Janeiro, 14. Aug Neutrino telescopes: ANTARES and IceCube
Alexander Kappes, IAU GA, SpS 10, Rio de Janeiro, 14. Aug Sky coverage Visibility ANTARES (Mediterranean) > 75% 25% – 75% < 25% TeV γ-ray sources Galactic extra-Galactic Visibility IceCube (South Pole) 100% 0%
Alexander Kappes, IAU GA, SpS 10, Rio de Janeiro, 14. Aug ANTARES m m 2 m 12 lines (885 PMTs) +1 instrumentation line Instrumented volume: ~0.01 km 3 Completed since May 2008
Alexander Kappes, IAU GA, SpS 10, Rio de Janeiro, 14. Aug IceCube Observatory 1450 m 2450 m IceTop Air shower detector InIce 80 strings (4800 PMTs) Status now: 58 strings deployed Instrumented volume: 1 km 3 DeepCore 6 additional strings More densely packed First string deployed 2008/09 Low-energy physics, E < 1 TeV (WIMPS,... )
Alexander Kappes, IAU GA, SpS 10, Rio de Janeiro, 14. Aug Selected results
Alexander Kappes, IAU GA, SpS 10, Rio de Janeiro, 14. Aug Atmospheric muons & neutrinos Up-going: ν-induced muons (~1000) ANTARES (341 days) Down-going: atm. muons Zenith angle (Degrees)
Alexander Kappes, IAU GA, SpS 10, Rio de Janeiro, 14. Aug Skymap for ANTARES 5 lines (140 days, 94 events) No significant excess above background ANTARES: Search for point sources
Alexander Kappes, IAU GA, SpS 10, Rio de Janeiro, 14. Aug IceCube: Search for point sources – 40 strings (6 months) Preliminary Background: atm. neutrinos (6796 events) (10981 events) Background: atm. muons Most-significant spot: all-sky background probability: 61% Significance
Alexander Kappes, IAU GA, SpS 10, Rio de Janeiro, 14. Aug Point source sensitivities ANTARES: 5 lines 140 days (limits) 12 lines 1 year (pred. sensitivity) Flux predictions Halzen, AK, O’Murchadha, PRD (2008) AK, Hinton, Stegmann, Aharonian, ApJ (2006) Kistler, Beacom, PRD (2006) Costantini & Vissani, App (2005)... MACRO (6 years) Super-K. (4.5 years) AMANDA (3.8 years) IceCube: IceCube 40 Strings 330 days (sensitivity) IceCube 80 Strings 1 yr (pred. sensitivity) 90% CL sensitivity for E -2 spectra (preliminary)
Alexander Kappes, IAU GA, SpS 10, Rio de Janeiro, 14. Aug Neutralino ( χ ) good WIMP candidate ANTARES data: No excess Long term investigation necessary Dark Matter Searches (WIMPs) χ ν - ν hard (W + W – ) soft (bb) ANTARES (5-line data, ~70 days) preliminary Neutralino mass [GeV] Φ(ν μ +ν μ ) (>10 GeV) from Sun [km -2 yr -1 ]
Alexander Kappes, IAU GA, SpS 10, Rio de Janeiro, 14. Aug ` IceCube 86 with Deep Core Sensitivity 1 yr (prel., hard) IceCube: WIMP searches Direct detection experiments (CDMS, COUPP, KIMS) Super-Kamiokande (2004) AMANDA 7 years soft hard IceCube 22-strings limits (PRL 102, (2009)) soft hard MSSM models }
Alexander Kappes, IAU GA, SpS 10, Rio de Janeiro, 14. Aug More physics with neutrino telescopes Variable sources (GRBs, AGNs... ) Diffuse neutrino flux Cosmic-ray anisotropies (10–100 TeV) Supernovae (MeV neutrinos) Neutrino oscillations (atmospheric neutrinos 10–100 GeV) Exotic physics (Lorentz violation, monopoles,...)
Alexander Kappes, IAU GA, SpS 10, Rio de Janeiro, 14. Aug Outlook
Alexander Kappes, IAU GA, SpS 10, Rio de Janeiro, 14. Aug km 3 -scale neutrino telescope in the Mediterranean Sea (also platform for marine and geological science) One of the projects on the roadmap of the European Strategy Forum for Research Infrastructures (ESFRI) EU funded Design Study ( ) First data in 2012/13 possible KM3NeT Artist’s view
Alexander Kappes, IAU GA, SpS 10, Rio de Janeiro, 14. Aug Point source sensitivities ANTARES: 5 lines 140 days (limits) 12 lines 1 year (pred. sensitivity) MACRO (6 years) Super-K. (4.5 years) AMANDA (3.8 years) 90% CL sensitivity for E -2 spectra (preliminary) not final detector IceCube: IceCube 40 Strings 330 days (sensitivity) IceCube 80 Strings 1 yr (pred. sensitivity) KM3NeT: 1 yr (pred. sensitivity) Flux predictions Halzen, AK, O’Murchadha, PRD (2008) AK, Hinton, Stegmann, Aharonian, ApJ (2006) Kistler, Beacom, PRD (2006) Costantini & Vissani, App (2005)...
Alexander Kappes, IAU GA, SpS 10, Rio de Janeiro, 14. Aug Summary Neutrinos provide complementary information to gamma-rays and protons of the high-energy universe ANTARES completed and 70% of IceCube installed So far no cosmic high-energy neutrinos identified -IceCube enters region with realistic discovery potential within the next years -Significantly more sensitive km 3 -scale neutrino telescope in the Mediterranean needed to further advance into discovery region and coverage full sky KM3NeT currently in design phase