The Game Ryan Kramer MSTI 131
Rules This game is pretty simple. You will meet your four participants: Denise, Sam, Larry and Anna. You will pick your winner for each Game (There are 3). ENJOY! Game for kids 5-10 years old
Participants SAM The Speedster LARRY The Lawyer DENISE The Dentist ANNA The Accountant
DENISE The Dentist Denise is a 43 year old woman who specializes in dentistry. She is 5’5’’ with blue eyes and short, light brown hair. Denise strengths are that she is good with her hands, is very patient, and competes best when behind close doors. Her weaknesses include performance in public, working with others, and athletics.
SAM The Speedster Sam is a eighteen year old fireball that specializes in driving cars real fast. He is a lean, mean fighting machine. Sam is a 5’1’’ 140 pound bulldog. His strengths are his ability to get to places quick, his athletic ability, and his ability to communicate with others. His weaknesses are his intelligence, his problem solving, and his obsession with his racecar.
LARRY The Lawyer Larry is a popular figure in his hometown that specializes in all forms of law. He is currently on the list of USA’s Top 100 Most Wanted Bachelors. Larry is 6’2’’ with smooth skin, and a full head of long, brown, thick hair. His strengths include his intelligence, problem solving, and his ability to lie. His weaknesses are getting distracted too easily by girls, his patience, and he obsession with his pocket mirror.
ANNA The Accountant Anna is a twenty-five year old woman who specializes in accounting. She is 5’7’’ with short brown hair, and a favorable body. Anna’s strengths include her looks, her ability to manipulate other people, and her skill of working with numbers. Her weaknesses include her gullibility, her being a perfectionist, and her obsession with animals.
GAME 1 Game 1 is a communication/intelligent event. Each participant is on there own for this Game. They will start at Sugar Lane and have to find their own way of transportation to reach The Marble Hill Inn (16.7 miles). At the Marble Hill Inn they will have to complete a jig jaw puzzle. Who do you think will win? 1 st Place: 5 points—2 nd Place: 3 points—3 rd Place: 1 point—Last Place:0 points DENISE SAMLARRY ANNA
You Picked: Denise Whoooooops! Denise did not win Game 1. She struggles to work well with others and was too patient for this Game. She decided to walk the whole distance, and took way to long. She came in third. Only 1 point! Try another pick! Back to Game 1 Game 1 Rankings
You Picked: Sam Whooooops!! The speedster got beat. He struggled trying to find a solution for a ride because he would not step foot in any other car than his own race car. Problem was his race car was missing a wheel. Sam came in dead last. 0 Points for him. Try another pick! Back to Game 1 Game 1 Rankings
You Picked: Larry Back to Game 1 Game 1 Rankings YESSSSSS! Larry has definitely showed the watchers that he may be the player to beat. His strengths of problem solving and ability to lie lifting him over his opponents. He told a local resident that his wife was having a baby at The Marble Hill Inn, and he had no way to get there. He is a genius! He receives the 5 points for 1 st place. Good Pick!
You Picked: Anna Back to Game 1 Game 1 Rankings Whoooops!! Anna decided it was more important to flirt with the person she was driving with than winning the Game. Larry beat her out in the end by under a minute. A minute of talking Anna could’ve given up! Now she has to settle for 3 points! Try another pick!
Rankings after Game 1 Larry: 5 points Anna: 3 Points Denise: 1 point Sam: 0 point Go to Game 2 Back to Game 1
GAME 2 Game 2 is an athletic event. Each participant gets five shots from the foul line on a local basketball court. They will receive a point for each basket they make. If there is a tie, the tiebreaker will be a 3 shot tiebreaker. Who do you think will win this event.
You Picked: Denise Back to Game 2 Rankings after Game 2 Whooppppppppppps! Denise is very unathletic and could not make a single basket. She came in last in Game 2 and was very disappointed. She will receive 0 points for Game 2. Try another Pick!
You Picked: Sam Back to Game 2 Rankings after Game 2 YESSSSSSS!! This was a perfect Game for Sam. His athleticism really showed as he made all five shots. He laughed as he killed his opponents. Sam receives 5 points for coming in 1 st place. Good pick!
You Picked: Larry Back to Game 2 Rankings after Game 2 Whooooooopps!! Larry was shooting right with Sam but was distracted by some girls walking on the sidewalk. He missed his last two shots and they were costly. He receives 3 points for coming in 2 nd place. Try another pick!
You Picked: Anna Back to Game 2 Rankings after Game 2 Whoooopps!! Anna just didn’t seem like she wanted to be there. She was too busy flirting with the organizer of Game 2 and trying to manipulate him in giving her some extra shots. Although she got one more shot than everyone else she still only made 2. She came in 3 rd place and receives 1 point. Try another pick!
Rankings after Game 2 Larry- 8 points Sam- 5 points Anna- 4 points Denise- 1 points Go to Game 3 Game 2
GAME 3 This is the last event. It is the money fair at the local park today. The money fair is a fundraiser to donate money to various charities. Each participate must collect money for their favorite charity. The participant with the most money in the end will win. Who do you think will win?
You Picked Denise: Back to Game 3 Final Rankings Whoooooppss!! Wrong choice. Although Denise is a hard worker and is good with her hands, she was not able to compete in public well. All the money she fundraised was when she patiently worked one on one with another person. That was too slow of a process compared to the other players. Denise came in last place and receives no points! Try another pick!
You Picked Sam: Back to Game 3 Final Rankings Whooooppps!! Wrong choice here. Even though Sam is very competitive and works well with others, his weakness of problem solving showed. He lacked any originality and flavor to this Game. He struggled to find different ways to fundraise and it cost him. Sam did squeak by Denise and receive 1 point for coming in 3 rd place. Try another pick!
You Picked Larry: Back to Game 3 Final Rankings Whoooooppppsss!! This Game was right up Larry’s avenue. He had a great fundraise and came up with bogus lines to tell people in order for them to give him money. What cost him was the group of fine looking girls who strolled through the park. He spent way too long “collecting” money from them. Larry still overcame that and came in 2 nd and receives 3 points. Try another pick!
You Picked Anna: Back to Game 3 Final Rankings YESSSSSSS! You picked the winner here. All her strengths go well with this Game: She is good with money, she manipulates others, and she is good looking. She attracted all the business in public places and go gather and count the money faster than any of the other opponents. Anna receives 5 points when coming in 1 st place of Game 3. Good picK!
Final Rankings Larry- 11 points Anna- 9 points Sam- 6 points Denise- 1 point