Today we’re going to talk about ways you can control your temper when you get into a conflict with adults
What kind of things do you and your parents disagree about? How do you usually react in these situations?
What are some good ways to act when you have a disagreement with adults?
Why should you control your temper with adults?
If you start to lose your temper with adults….
A.Find a good time to talk to the adult with whom you may have a conflict. B. Identify internal cues that you are losing your temper. C. Use an anger- control strategy.
D. Identify the consequences of losing your temper. E. Remind yourself to be in control. F. Listen to the adult’s side. G. Calmly present your side.
Time to practice
Your teacher says you cannot have your computer time because you were talking in class. You were not talking, but the teacher insists that you were. You are beginning to get upset.
Your mother says you can’t watch TV tonight because you didn’t do your homework. Your teacher didn’t assign homework today, but your mom doesn’t believe you.
Remember to practice what you have learned today!!!