Internal Rotation in CF 3 I NH 3 and CF 3 I N(CH 3 ) 3 Probed by CP-FTMW Spectroscopy Nicholas R. Walker, Susanna L. Stephens, Anthony C. Legon 66 th OSU International Symposium on Molecular Spectroscopy 1 19 th June, R cm N I Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Introduction 1)Halogen bond describes attractive interaction between electron donor (e.g. NH 3 ) and a halogen atom. 2)Significance of I N interaction in solid-state technology exploiting halogen bonds. Iodoperfluoroalkanes are standard “building blocks” because electron-withdrawing CF 2 units allow stronger interactions of the iodine atom. 3) CF 3 I NH 3 and CF 3 I N(CH 3 ) 3 excellent targets for CP-FTMW spectroscopy. Extensive hyperfine structure, many bands between 8-18 GHz.
Power divider SPST switch Mixer Low noise amplifier Pin diode limiter Adjustable attenuator 5W Power amplifier AWG ( GHz) Oscilloscope (0-12 GHz) 10 MHz reference frequency PDRO (19.00 GHz) GHz GHz 12.2 GHz Low-pass band filter CP-FTMW Spectrometer 300 W TWT Amplifier
OCS Multi-chirp excitation
CF 3 I CF 3 I NH 3 ?? CF 3 I NH 3
[1] G. T. Fraser, F. J. Lovas, R. D. Suenram, D. D. Nelson, Jr. and W. Klemperer, J. Chem. Phys. 1986, 84, [2] G. Valerio, G. Raos, S. V. Meille, P. Metrangolo and G. Resnati, J. Phys. Chem. A, 2000, 104, C 3v Symmetric top ? Internal rotation? The Hamiltonian
Energy/MHz Exp. Sim. [80 kHz FWHM] Energy/MHz A species sim. E species sim. Total (A and E) sim. Simulation and fitting using PGOPHER (2010, version ), a Program for Simulating Rotational Structure, C. M. Western, University of Bristol, CF 3 I 14 NH 3
Energy/MHz Exp. Sim. CF 3 I 15 NH 3
A species CF 3 I 15 NH 3 CF 3 I 14 NH 3 / MHz (19) a (21) D J / kHz (15)0.0988(17) D JK / kHz 1.230(37)1.531(16) / MHz (77) (90) / MHz 3.337(51) N r.m.s / kHz E species / MHz b c D J / kHz (12)0.0931(12) D JK / kHz 1.285(31)1.489(33) D Jm / kHz 36.81(34)39.76(38) D JKm / kHz (36)11.365(39) / MHz (66) (75) / MHz 3.151(42) N r.m.s /kHz a Numbers in parentheses are one standard deviation in units of the last significant figure. b Fixed to the value of B 0 determined for CF 3 I 15 NH 3. c Fixed to the value of B 0 determined for CF 3 I 14 NH 3.
A speciesCF 3 I 15 N(CH 3 ) 3 CF 3 I 14 N(CH 3 ) 3 CP-FTMW ( < 10 GHz) / MHz (19) a (11) b D J 10 2 / kHz 2.793(37)2.950(30) b / MHz (20) (17) b / MHz c 4.761(88) N r.m.s / kHz E species / MHz d e D J 10 2 / kHz 2.96(10)2.891(58) D Jm / kHz 29.06(49)29.71(31) D JKm / kHz 1.691(45)1.698(38) / MHz (50) (47) / MHz c N r.m.s /kHz a Numbers in parentheses are one standard deviation in units of the last significant figure. b Fixed to the values determined by fitting all transitions in the broadband spectrum. c Fixed to = MHz, determined by fitting to selected transitions below 10 GHz.
3.054 Å > r N I > Å for CF 3 I NH 3 where 30 > >0 and 8 > >0 Å > r N I > Å for CF 3 I N(CH 3 ) 3 where 30 > >0 and 8 > >0 Structure implies = 20.5(12) for CF 3 I NH 3 and = 16.2(20) for CF 3 I N(CH 3 )
V. Amico, S. V. Meille, E. Corradi, M. T. Messina and G. Resnati, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1998, 120, E. Corradi, S. V. Meille, M. T. Messina, P. Metrangolo and G. Resnati, Tetrahedron Lett. 1999, 40, r N I =2.84(3) Å. r N I close to 2.80 Å Å > r N I > Å for CF 3 I N(CH 3 ) 3 where 30 > >0 and 8 > >0 Å > r N I > Å for CF 3 I NH 3 where 30 > >0 and 8 > >0 Correspondence with solid state
Acknowledgements University of Bristol Susanna Stephens Tony C. Legon Ruth Oval Colin M. Western University of Virginia Brooks H. Pate Stephen T. Shipman Financial Support Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council University of Sheffield Michael Hippler
CF 3 I 14 N(CH 3 ) 3 CF 3 I Energy/MHz Exp. A and E species sim. CF 3 I 14 N(CH 3 ) 3