The etymology (or origin) of the word Bible: Comes from the Greek word for book, which literally means scroll, which came from the name of an old Phoenician port called Byblos, where Egyptian papyrus was imported from into Greece From there it passed through Latin into English
Pentateuch The first 5 books of the Bible Greek for “five scroll-cases” In the Torah, this is known as the “Five Books” of Moses Monotheism “one God” Refers to the faith traditions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam The opposite is polytheism (or many gods)
Paganism (from Latin paganus meaning “an old country dweller” Refers to… any faith traditions outside the Abrahamic monotheistic religions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam historic and contemporary (modern) polytheistic religions a broad set of spiritual or cultic practices or beliefs of any folk religion Pagan traditions are marked by the absence of proselytism
Paganism cont. “pagan” is the Christian adaptation of the “gentile” of Judaism, and as such has an inherent Christian bias While the original, literal meaning, the denotation, of the word is not negative, the associations or connotation of the word is negative So we can say it has a pejorative, or negative, connotation, comparable to infidel or heathen