Cut Potato along the Longer Axis of the Potato as Shown
Fold Paper Towel in Half 1st Fold
Fold again 2nd Fold
Fold Again 3rd Fold
Dip paper towel in water and squeeze out extra water over the bowl.
Squeeze out extra water over the bowl
Open the paper towel to this size
Label the bag with Team name, period, and Potato ID
Put paper towel into bag
Put potato half into bag with cut side on wet paper towel
Seal the bag (zip-lock)
Potato in a labeled bag
Supplies and potatoes in bags
Potato B in Dark Shoe Box
Put cover on shoe box. Don’t move the potato! Potato cut edge must stay on wet paper towel so don’t move it.
Potato B in “Dark” and Potato A in Light
Lessons Learned Must have clean hands or potato will rot!! Is anything wrong with using a shoe box? Any other observations to improve the experiment? Must have clean hands or potato will rot!! Is anything wrong with using a shoe box? Any other observations to improve the experiment?