monocyclic polycyclic
Agrios fig. 2-21
Myxomycetes – slime molds
Slime mold on turf – Physarum sp.
Sporangia of Physarum
Plasmodiophora brassicae Club root of cabbage Plasmodiophora brassicae$department/deptdocs.nsf/all/agdex8593
Plant Disease Cover Images Volume 87 (2003) Spongospora subterranea Powdery scab galls on roots and stolons of potato Obligate parasites Vectors for viruses Plant Disease Cover Images Volume 87 (2003)
Spore Type: Oospore Oospores
hairy flagella
Hyphae of Oomycetes Hypha
Oomycetes: Sexual Reproductive Antheridium Oospore Oogonium
Oomycete: Antheridium and Oogonium Hyphae Antheridium Oogonium
Asexual Reproductive Structures of Oomycetes Sporangia
Zoospores Single cell, but membrane bound Product of mitosis Released from sporangium Motile Not long lived Zoospores Sporangium
Sporangia Borne on Single or Branched Sporangiophores Lemon to globose shaped structures are sporangia
Zoospores attracted to infection court Plant surface Flagellum Body of zoospore