Welcome to Year 6 Mrs McGadie/Mrs Sharp Welcome to Year 6 Mrs McGadie/Mrs Sharp
Curriculum Literacy Numeracy Core Subjects (Discreetly taught) Science ICT History Geography Design & Technology Music PHSCE Art (Ms Foley) RE MFL (French & Spanish) Mrs Wilcock (Discreetly taught) P.E /Games (Sports coaches) (cross curricular/Topic approach to cover aspects these subjects
Homework Literacy: Writing/Grammar – This will link in with the weekly objectives being taught in class. Spelling – Spelling lists will be given out at the beginning of each half term. The children will have a test on Fridays. Reading –Reading books are chosen from a selection of reading scheme & school library books. If your child is enjoying a book from home, please encourage them to bring it into school as it could become their school reading book. Please encourage your child to read every night. This should not be a chore as reading should be a pleasurable experience. Please contact me if your child is not enjoying reading. It is important that you discuss reading material with them. This could be their reading/library book or any other reading material e.g. comics, newspapers, recipe books, instructions etc. Would you please sign reading records and write any comments, in order to share with us your child’s reading and any concerns.
Numeracy: Tasks linked to work done in class that week. Times tables – Please continue to recite times tables with your child regularly as they form a very important part of most, if not all, aspects of number. There are some very good websites which teach times tables in a ‘fun’ way! All Homework will be given out on Monday. Homework is handed in on the Monday. The children will also have a spelling test on Friday morning.
Assessment SATS: Date: week beginning Monday 9 th May –Friday 12 th May 2016 All year 6 children will be tested in maths, English and Science as follows: Maths = 3 papers Reading= Comprehension 1 hour– the children read a booklet and answer questions Writing= Teacher assessed (no formal test) SPAG= Spelling Punctuation and Grammar = This test assesses aspects writing. Science marked internally unless otherwise informed You will be notified of the exact timetable nearer the time. The children will be provided with a revision pack for over the Easter Holidays. Please note that their have been changes to the 2016 SATs. Please see the website below for further information.
If you wish to contact me my address is: Please do not use this for urgent messages or enquiries, please ring school or send a letter into school with your child. School website: