Welcome to First Grade Parent Night Thursday, September 2, 2010
Our goal this year: Parents and teachers working together to set, maintain, and exceed student learning goals and expectations. When love and skill work together, expect a masterpiece. - John Ruskin
River Ridge Rules! 1.Follow your leaders directions. 2.Keep your hands and feet to yourself. 3.Walk quietly in the building. Consequences: Warning Think time Loss of Privilege Office Referral
School Drills: 1.Fire Drills 2.Lock Down 3.Tornado 4.Earthquake
Homework: (Homework is meant to be a REVIEW of skills. Homework is not meant to frustrate children or PARENTS.) 1.Homework Sheet 2.Parent Signature 3.Time 4.Tasks 5.Spelling Tests
A Day in the Life of Your First Grader: Lunch: 12:00-12:25 Recess: 1:00-1:20 Related Arts: 1:30-2:10
Mrs. Edwards’ Daily Schedule MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday 7:40-8:00Reading/RRJ 8:00-8:20Morning Meeting, Journal Writing, Calendar, Music & Movement Phonics and Word Study Morning Meeting, Journal Writing, Calendar, Music & Movement 8:20-9:00Teacher Directed ELA 9:00-9:45Guided Reading (flexible grouping) And Work Stations Guided Reading (flexible grouping) And Work Stations Guided Reading (flexible grouping) And Work Stations Guided Reading (flexible grouping) And Work Stations Guided Reading (flexible grouping) And Work Stations 9:45-10:30Focused Writing and Working Snack 10:30-10:50Phonics and Word Study 10:25-11:05 Spanish Phonics and Word Study 10:50-11:05Writing Mini-Lesson Writing Mini-Lesson Writing Mini-Lesson Writing Mini-Lesson 11:05-11:45Math 11:45-11:55Read Aloud 12:00-12:25Lunch 12:25-12:35Bathroom 12:35-1:05SS/Science Computer LabSS/Science 1:05-1:20Recess 1:30-2:10PELibraryMusicPEArt 2:15-2:25Reflection and Line up for dismissal
What is Guided Reading? Guided reading is an instructional approach that involves working with a small group of students who demonstrate similar reading behaviors and can all read similar levels of texts. The text is easy enough for students to read with skillful support. The text offers challenges and opportunities for problem solving, but is easy enough for students to read with some fluency. The teacher chooses selections that help students expand their strategies.
What program do we use to teach writing? Write From the Beginning is a developmental writing program for students in Kindergarten through Fifth Grade. Teachers within the school develop a common, targeted focus and shared accountability for school wide writing performance. Purpose: To give students and teachers in grades K-5 the knowledge and skills necessary for age-appropriate writing instruction and achievement. Teachers at each grade have expectations for their particular grade level. Teachers use Improvement Rubrics and focused mini lessons to help establish a solid foundation in the writing process.
Assessments : Report Cards Report cards will be sent home every nine weeks. First grade report cards are a checklist similar to the one used in kindergarten. You will see information on the report card to let you know whether or not your child is meeting grade level expectations. You will also be informed of your child’s individual reading level. You may also hear this level referred to as the Rigby level. Objectives that are left blank on the report card are skills that have not yet been taught in first grade. Skills will be assessed with the following: Consistently demonstrates Sometimes demonstrates Rarely or never demonstrates
Assessments (Cont.): Progress Reports Progress reports will keep you informed of you child’s progress throughout the year. They will be sent home in between report card times. Skills will be assessed with the same indicators used on the report card. Look for progress reports every three weeks. MAP Testing MAP testing will be administered in the fall and the spring. MAP is a computerized assessment that will measure your child’s abilities in reading and math. The goal of MAP testing is to show progress throughout the year.
Important Reminders : Class Newsletter Transportation Changes Birthday Celebrations Classroom Temperature Ice Cream on Fridays Snacks Parent/ Teacher Communication
Questions or concerns that would benefit everyone?
Since many parents are attending this meeting, please do not ask me specific questions about your personal child. That type of information should be addressed privately between you and I. Individual parent teacher conferences will be held during the month of October. Should you need to talk with me, you are always welcome to me, call me, or set up a scheduled conference. We are off to a great year and I am really enjoying getting to know your child! Thank you! Mrs. Wells