Yum! Brands GR Overview & Update October 2011
Key Updates SNAP RMP Expansion NLRB Poster Requirements Paid Sick Leave 2
3 SNAP RMP Expansion Pilot company & franchise store participation –Program currently in AZ, CA, MI –Gain know-how on enrollment process –Evaluate business investment & impact –Develop toolkit for potential participants Roll-out expanded participation to interested stores –Build credibility w/ program administrators –Develop clientele awareness in relevant communities
NLRB Poster Requirements The NLRB has delayed implementation until January 31, Under the rule, NLRB requires all employers subject to the National Labor Relations Act to post a notice outlining employees’ rights to organize and bargain collectively. However, from the beginning there have been questions as to whether the NLRB even has the authority to require such a posting. 4
Paid Leave Update 5
Contact For more information regarding Yum’s state or federal government affairs program, please contact: State Government Affairs –Matt Lathrop (West) at ; –Kevin Lundy (East) at ; Federal Government Affairs –Paul Carothers at (202) ; –Jeff Pannozzo at (202) ; 6