By: Julie
The European stage In the late 1700’s the best of the stage is that when that Mozart was one of the most talented person to be on stage. At all the series of Mozart he was the best of the musician there.
Maria Anna Mozart She was one of the most talented musician of all to her brother and sister she was one of the best to play pianos She always loved to play the piano since the day she had laid her hands on the keys. This picture represents Maria Anna Mozart age 12 yrs. old
Anna Maria Mozart She was Mozart's mother and they had raised five kids and they all died but one was strong enough to live all the way she died on the day of June 12, 1778 during the Wolfgang. She loved her family her husband and son Mozart. age of picture age of Anna Maria Mozart 43 yrs. old
Leopold Mozart He was Mozart's father he was worthy enough to make his family live when his wife had died he was one of the best of is family. Leopold Mozart was not the only one to suffer once his wife had died his family suffered. Mozart’s father age 44 yrs. old
Mozart He loved to play music he was one of the best to play the music in the symphony. He loved music not like other boys he could sing of the life long ago girls could not go to school as Mozart did he sang to cheer the school. At age 7 yrs. old
Life of Mozart He was the most of the famous men’s now he was gone his music was so amazing people enjoyed it at the old days. Mozart was famous now he was to cheer and now gone away people loved his music everywhere they go.
Wolfgang It was all to the Wolfgang team that Mozart's family had died to the end most of al the one to count it out was the Wolfgang.
Wolfgang wife She was also in the Wolfgang team and she was to help them to defeat the Mozart family it was the one job she liked in her life working with her husband.
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