March 20th, 2013
Welcome We are thrilled you chose Peak to Peak! Introductions Principal Welcome Students Relocate
Important Dates & Information Summer Reading & Kahn Academy Requirement, Location, Subjects, Timeline Registration: Tuesday, August 13 th, 2013 Majority of registration will be completed on line. The above date is for Pictures, I.D’s & Planners Transition day new students: August 19 th First day of school Secondary: August 20 th Secondary Back to School Night: September 3rd, 2013
Assessments If your child has not yet taken the OE Math and English assessments please contact the main counseling office at You will need an appointment with a counselor.
Agenda Teacher selected & student chosen requirements Suggestions for parents Curriculum pathways Infinite Campus (IC) Questions for individual teachers and/or counselors
Middle School requirements 5 core classes: English Math Science Social Studies World Language (Spanish, French, Mandarin) 2 elective classes each semester (7 periods per day) 1 semester of Health (7th grade)
English 6th:English 1, English 1 Honors, English 2 Honors 7th: English 2, English 2 Honors 8th: English 3, English 3 Honors, English 4 Honors Power Reading: Full year reading support class Please notify a counselor if you do not have an English Recommendation
Mathematics Pre-Algebra, Pre- Algebra Honors Algebra 1A/ Honors Algebra 1B/ Honors Algebra Honors Proof Geometry Honors Algebra 2/Trig. Honors Please notify a counselor if you do not have a Math Recommendation Do pace yourself! Placement affects High School path.
Science 6th: Life Science, Life Science Honors 7th: Earth Science, Earth Science Honors 8th: Physical Science, Physical Science Honors Please refer to the student’s Math placement when choosing a Science class (Students do not have to be in Honors math to request Honors Science, however they must align by 8 th grade)
Social Studies 6th: American History 7th: World History I 8th: World History II Standard or Honors 6th: American History 7th: World History I 8th: World History II Standard or Honors
World Languages All 6th graders and new 7 th graders select Spanish 1A, French 1A or Mandarin 1A Language Pathways: 6th: Level 1A 7th: Level 1B 8th: Level 2
Physical Education & Health P.E. (1 or both semesters) Lifelong Fitness (1 or both semesters) Health: one semester required in 7th grade PE is not a required course in Middle School.
Study Hall, Power Reading & Technology Study Hall: (1 or both semesters) *Highly Recommended 6 th grade students requesting study hall will be placed into the 6 th Grade Focus Study Hall. This is a structured study hall taught by 6 th grade teachers who are available to provide additional support. Power Reading: (1 Semester) Class for students wanting a reading fluency boost. This is different than the year-long intensive class that some students will be recommended to take. Introduction to Information Technology (1 Semester) (Grades 6 & 7) Research & Information Technology (1 Semester) (Grade 8)
Arts Theater & Advanced Theater (1 or both semesters) Theater is the pre-requisite for Advanced Theater, however both classes may be taken multiple times as the projects change each semester. Exploratory Art (1 semester- can only be taken once.) Mixed Media Approaches (1 or both semesters) Exploratory Art is the pre-requisite for Mixed Media Approaches, however both classes may be taken multiple times as the projects change each semester.
Band and Orchestra General Band (full year) Intermediate Band (full year- gen. band or audition) Concert Band (full year- audition) Wind Symphony (full year-audition) Jazz Band (before school) General Orchestra (full year) Concert Orchestra (full year-audition) Chamber Orchestra (full year-audition)
Choir General Choir (one semester) Concert Choir (full year-audition) Phoenix Fire (full year- audition)
To schedule an audition for band/choir/orchestra (choir- Mrs. Andony) (band- Mr. Spicer) (orchestra- Ms. Savage) Information for auditions as well as contact information can be found in the welcome packet you received. All auditions should be completed by now. If your child has not completed an audition please contact the appropriate teacher above.
Suggestions for Parents Do help your child with time limits on homework. Do have your child print out weekly homework assignments Monday nights and check grades as available. Do know who your child’s counselor is and contact as needed. Do help your child stay organized. (planner, bringing homework to class, supplies) Do talk to your child’s teacher with any questions or concerns. Do read the Speak to Peak newsletter and s. Volunteer! Do come to Back to School Night and Parent-Teacher conferences.
Questions? Before you leave return the completed, signed Course Selection Forms. Remember to rank 1-6 student chosen elective options. We TRY to schedule top choices but can not guarantee placement. If you need a counselor/teacher to contact you please make a note on the form or send an to… Ms. Short: Ms. Salvo:
We will see you in August! If you have any further questions or call… Manele Short, Counselor A-O Andrea Salvo, Counselor P-Z