Design Brief Option 1 - Repeat Pattern You will answer the GRAPHIC DESIGN question in the written exam and will refer to the life, career and (at least two) works by… WILLIAM MORRIS and ORLA KIELY Design Brief Option 2 - ‘Grand Gallery Info Hub’ You will answer the PRODUCT DESIGN question in the written exam and will refer to the life, career and (at least two) works by… GERRIT RIETVELD and PHILLIPE STARK Design Brief Option 3 - ‘The Collection’ Body Adornment You will answer the FASHION DESIGN question in the written exam and will refer to the life, career and (at least two) works by… ISSEY MIYAKE and ALEXANDER McQUEEN S5 & S6 CONTEXTUAL STUDIES YOUR DESIGNERS & THEIR WORK
Oyster Dress 2003Sarabande 2007 Alexander McQUEEN
Oyster Dress 2003Minaret Dress 2007 Issey MIYAKE
Juicy Salif 1990 Baobab Desk 2007 Phillippe STARCK
Red & Blue Chair 1918Steltman Chair 1963 Gerrit RIETVELD
Thistle c.1880 Acanthus 1875 William MORRIS
Multi Stem Design c.2005 Orla KIELY Pear Print Pastel c.2005