SOLIDS&LIQUDS solid The state of matter that has definite shape up a definite amount of space Ex. blocks NonEx.milk Ex.desk Non Ex.smoke Ex.tree Non. Ex.juice liquid A liquid is a thing that you can feel and it sways Ex. juice Non Ex.dirt Ex. Water Non Ex. pen Ex. mud Non Ex. cup
GAS The state of matter that has no definite shape and takes up no definite amount of space Ex. Balloon Non Ex. water Ex. beach ball Non Ex. dirt Ex. Basket ball Non Ex. desk Al
MIXTURES & SOLUTIONS Mixtures Substances which can be separated Ex.cereal Non Ex.punch Ex.trailmix Non Ex.juice Ex.m&m Non Ex.water Solutions substances which cannot be separated Ex.punch NonEx.m&m Ex.juice NonEx.trailmix Ex.soda NonEx.cereal
BUOYANCY Buoyancy is the ability of matter to float in liquid or gas Ex.pencil Non Ex.brick Ex.paper NonEx.rock Ex.cardboard Non Ex.chair
WHERE I GOT MY INFORMATION Classroom/teacher Science book