Changing your password Using the printers Windows Shortcuts Working with folders Shutting down the computer Home The Basics Starting up and Logging on Saving to the Network Features of a desktop Window EXIT
Changing your password Using the printers Windows Shortcuts Working with folders Shutting down the computer Home The Basics Starting up and Logging on Saving to the Network Features of a desktop Window EXIT Monitor Computer Tower On Button Keyboard Mouse Power Monitor cable Mouse cable Network Cable Keyboard Cable
Changing your password Using the printers Windows Shortcuts Working with folders Shutting down the computer Home The Basics Starting up and Logging on Saving to the Network Features of a desktop Window EXIT 1.Ensure that computer is plugged in and switched on at the wall. 2.Press the oval button at front of computer. 3.Log on (see below diagram) Username is your first name and last name with a “.” in between (ie john.smith)* Your password is given to you by the school, however can be changed at a later date.
Changing your password Using the printers Windows Shortcuts Working with folders Shutting down the computer Home The Basics Starting up and Logging on Saving to the Network Features of a desktop Window EXIT
Changing your password Using the printers Windows Shortcuts Working with folders Shutting down the computer Home The Basics Starting up and Logging on Saving to the Network Features of a desktop Window EXIT Start Menu This is where you find the programs required to do your work Internet Explorer Task bar Shows you the programs you have open Webmail Shortcut to your account My Documents This is where your work is saved
Changing your password Using the printers Windows Shortcuts Working with folders Shutting down the computer Home The Basics Starting up and Logging on Saving to the Network Features of a desktop Window EXIT 1.Press CTRL + ALT + DEL 2.Click on Change Password 3. Type in old password 4. Type new password 5. Type new password again 6. Click OK
Changing your password Using the printers Windows Shortcuts Working with folders Shutting down the computer Home The Basics Starting up and Logging on Saving to the Network Features of a desktop Window EXIT 1. In the program you have opened and completed your work in (Word, Publisher etc), go to the File Menu and select Print. In the Printer Window select the printer for the room you are in. Select the number of copies that you want to print Click OK
Changing your password Using the printers Windows Shortcuts Working with folders Shutting down the computer Home The Basics Starting up and Logging on Saving to the Network Features of a desktop Window EXIT CutCTRL + X CopyCTRL + C PasteCTRL + V Select allCTRL + A Close window/programALT + F4 BoldCTRL + B ItalicsCTRL + I UnderlineCTRL + U SaveCTRL + S Task ManagerCTRL + ALT + DEL PrintCTRL + P Switch between programsALT + Tab Open Windows ExplorerWINKEY + E Straight to desktopWINKEY + D
Changing your password Using the printers Windows Shortcuts Working with folders Shutting down the computer Home The Basics Starting up and Logging on Saving to the Network Features of a desktop Window EXIT
Changing your password Using the printers Windows Shortcuts Working with folders Shutting down the computer Home The Basics Starting up and Logging on Saving to the Network Features of a desktop Window EXIT