Broad Course of Study for High School Students Board of Education Study Session October 27,
Courses approved by Curriculum Council School Year AP Physics I, AP Physics II, Italian I, Italian II, Italian III, Physical Education I, Physical Education II, Video Game Design, Introduction to Programming, AP U.S. History School Year Integrated Mathematics I, AP Art History, Child Development, Developmental Child Psychology, Shakespeare in Performance and on Film, Hospitality and Tourism Management, Interior/Environmental Design, High School Math A, Foundations in Personal Finance, Freshman Seminar 101, Introduction to Technology, Integrated Math II, Pre-AP Integrated Math II School Year AP Computer Science, Sustainable Ag. Biology, Ag. Leadership, Agriscience Systems, Agriculture and Soil Chemistry, Agriculture Woodshop, Diesel Technology 2
Current LCAP Funding for High School Staffing ratio from 34:1 to 31:1 $3,598,956 In-school suspension: 4 FTE $353,336 Summer School: $2,082,021 CTE classes: $1,425,178 Credit Recovery through Adult School: $170,000 After School Programs: $500,000 ($125,000 per school) Coaching Stipends: $702,126 ($258,384 increase) Transportation for Athletics: $ 130,000 ($32,500 per school) Support for AVID: $180,000 Above formula staffing for Math Pathways: 4 FTE $353,336 Additional Science materials $48,000 ($12,000 per school) 3
Scheduling Option Add an additional period to the end of the school day Add 2- 4 FTE to each high school above formula staffing Students may take an additional class Additional cost: Average FTE $88,334 $176, 668 (2 teachers) - $353, 336 (4 teachers) 4 sites: minimum cost $706,672, maximum $1,413,334 4
Career Technical Education Lodi Unified has the largest CTE program in the county Classes are located at Lincoln Tech, Bear Creek, Lodi High, McNair, Tokay, Liberty and Plaza Robles Many classes are articulated with Delta College for credit School to school transportation would increase enrollment Federal Perkins Grant Assists with Funding CA Partnership Academies: Agriculture and Apple at Lodi High, Child Centered Careers & Occupational Opportunities at Tokay, Health Careers at McNair CTE Block Grant 5
Current CTE Classes LTA: Careers with Children, Careers in Education, Health Occupations, Dental Assistant, Medical Assistant, Sports Medicine, Hospitality & Tourism Management, Computer Programming and Game Design, Computer Based Office Training, Computer Repairing, Cisco I, Cisco II, Web/Game Design, Fire Science Bear Creek: Ag Earth/Physical Science, Orn. Hort./Landscape, Art & History of Floral Design, Woodworking Intro, Woodworking Adv, Computer Assisted Drafting, Civil Engineering& Arch, Pre-Engineering, Fashion & Design, Advanced Fashion & Design, Food Science, Consumer Foods & Nutrition, Adv. Consumer Foods and Nutrition, Intro to programming, Intro to Auto, Auto Shop Collaboration, Advanced Automotive Technology, Automotive Services Lodi High: Ag Earth/Physical Science, Ag. Biology, Orn Hort/Landscape, Art & History of Floral Design, East Envi/Spatial Technology, Ag. Sales & Service, Ag. Mechanics, Ag. Mechanics Adv., Ag. Welding, Graphic Design 1/2, Wood Design, Life Management I, Life Management II, Child Development, Intro to Child, Explore in Ed., Human Relations/Parenting, Arch Design Intro, Arch Design Adv., Computer Assisted Drafting, Intro to Engineering Design, Drafting Adv., Fashion & Design, Interior Design, Consumer Foods and Nutrition, Consumer Foods and Nutrition Adv, Intro to Auto, Metals Adv, Auto Shop Collaboration, Adv. Auto Tech 6
Current CTE Classes McNair: Life Management I, Life Management II, Human Relation/Parenting, Fashion & Design, Fashion & Design Adv., Into. To Business, Information Technology, Information Technology Collaboration, Accounting, Accounting Adv., Health Careers, Medical Sci. & Terminology, Health Occupations, Food Science, Consumer Foods & Nutrition, Consumer Foods and Nutrition Adv., Culinary Arts, Web Page Design, Administration of Justice Tokay: Consumer Foods & Nutrition, Consumer Foods and Nutrition Adv., Ag Earth/Physical Science, Ag. Biology, Orn Hort/Landscape, Art & History of Floral Design, Ag. Mechanics, Ag. Mechanics Adv., Agriculture Fabrication, Graphic Design 1/2, Developmental child Psychology, Child Development, Fashion & Design, Fashion & Design Adv., Intro. to the Automobile, Auto Collaboration, Advanced Auto Technology, Administration of Justice Liberty: Careers in Education, Computer Based Office Training Plaza: Computer Based Office Training 7
Developing the three year plan Each high school was asked to: Get input from students and teachers Consider staffing and curricular needs Consider facility needs Develop a budget Develop a timeline Consider professional development needs Consider material/supply needs 8
McNair’s Three Year Plan Expand HOSA Academy, and Culinary Arts Academy, add Visual and Performing Arts Magnet An additional 3 above formula FTE at a cost of $265,002. $70,000 in textbooks, materials and supplies. Additional Courses: 16/17: Dynamic Literacy/Patient Care (HOSA), Disease and Disorders (HOSA), Integrated Math 3, Integrated Math 3+Pre-AP, Financial Math, American Sign Language, Marine Biology, Astronomy, Environmental Science, AP Studio Art, AP Sculpture, AP art History, Theater Arts 2, Theater Arts 3 17/18: Biotechnology, Graphic Design 3/AP, Stage Production 18/19: Engineering 9
Bear Creek’s three year plan Expand their visual and performing arts courses, agriculture classes and add some STEM courses. An additional 3 above formula FTE for the school year at a cost of $265,000. $80,000 in materials and supplies. Option A: build a new shop for approximately $335,000. Option B: Improve their AG facility at a cost of $32,000 Additional Courses: 16-17: AP Art History, Screen Writing/Play Writing, World Theater/Multi-cultural Theater, Intro to Ag Mechanics, Animal Science, Ag Sales and Services, Intro to Ag, World History AP, Ethnic Studies, Social Culture, Beginning Law, Academic Decathalon, Advanced Coding, Robotics, PLTW Bio-Medical 17-18: Criminal Justice, Adv. Ag. Mechanics, Veterinarian Science, Crop Science/Farming 18-19: Agriculture Fabrication, Agriculture Welding 10
Tokay’s Three Year Plan Improve on and expand Visual and Performing Arts and the Agriculture Program. Renovate wood shop Add one above formula FTE at a cost of $88,334. $100,000 for additional materials and supplies. Additional courses: 16-17: Ag. Fabrication, Ag. sales and Services, Small diesel mechanics, Science Olympiad 17-18: Intro. Ag. Woodshop, Ag. Animal Science, Engineering Technology, Robotics, CAD 18-19: Advanced Robotics 11
Lodi High’s Three Year Plan STEM academy and improve upon the AG offerings. Add one above formula FTE at a cost of $88,334. $100,000 in additional materials & supplies Renovate auto shop facility Additional Courses: 16-17: AP Computer Science, Intro to Diesel Mechanics, Intro to Business, Conceptual Physics, Statistics CP, Ag Leadership and Agriculture, Soil Chemistry 17/18: Advanced Diesel Mechanics, STEM Math, Computer Science CP, STEM Elective (ex: robotics, solar), Pre-engineering 18/19: Bio-Diesel/alternative Fuels, STEM Elective II, STEM Physics 12
Other considerations Online Course Catalog to ensure continuous updating when new courses are approved by the Board. Move to online course selection sheets and registration Initial conversations with Lodi Industrial group Facilities Master Plan PBIS Cohort 1: McNair and Bear Creek One to one devices: Cohort 1: McNair,Cohort 2: Bear Creek 13
Additional Budget Consideration Improvement to facilities – $2,000,000 (one time money) Textbooks, materials and supplies - $100,000 per school (start-up) Additional transportation between schools to allow all students access to CTE classes - $200,000 (ongoing) Above formula 1 FTE - $88,334 (ongoing) 2 per school: $706,672 3 per school: $1,060,008 4 per school: $1,413,344 14