Accessing Evitech network via FTP by Susan Jansson
File transfer Protocol (FTP) An internet protocol that enables the transfer of files from one computer to another. When downloading files to a computer using Web browser, you often use FTP without even knowing it. Evitech has a FTP server program which can be accessed with a client program (e.g. WS- FTP).
How FTP works The Protocol Stack - FTP is a service like HTTP (an application protocol). 3. Application Layer - FTP, HTTP etc. 2. (Security Layer) SSL 1. (Transport Layer) TCP/IP
How FTP works (continued..) The FTP client contacts the remote server FTP daemon which logs a user in. A command link is opened between the computers. This link stays open for the duration of the FTP session. When down- or uploading files, a data connection is opened - it closes after the file transfer is completed.
FTP session diagram Evitech FTP Server Access Server & Firewall FTP Client Program Your computer Remote computer Files being transferred
ASCII is used for text, but it changes things like line feed and carriage return (NOTE: May affect usability especially in UNIX). Binary mode transfer leaves files untouched. Most Windows FTP programs can detect automatically which mode should be used. Files are transferred in FTP data connection in two ways:
Connecting to Evitech FTP
SETTINGS Dial-up Number: (09) PPP Account: Unix Account (personal) PPP Password: (personal) Server assigned IP Address Default Gateway: FTP Server: Host type detected automatically
FTP Client program view
Sources Evitech Website. One-day course: Internet & FTP (DDC Publishing). Preston Gralla: How the Internet Works. Clipart by Corel & Nokia website.