In-roads to the spread of antibiotic resistance: regional patterns of microbial transmission in northern coastal Ecuador by Joseph N. S. Eisenberg, Jason.


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Presentation transcript:

In-roads to the spread of antibiotic resistance: regional patterns of microbial transmission in northern coastal Ecuador by Joseph N. S. Eisenberg, Jason Goldstick, William Cevallos, Gabriel Trueba, Karen Levy, James Scott, Bethany Percha, Rosana Segovia, Karina Ponce, Alan Hubbard, Carl Marrs, Betsy Foxman, David L. Smith, and James Trostle Interface Volume 9(70): May 7, 2012 ©2012 by The Royal Society

Map of study region. Joseph N. S. Eisenberg et al. J. R. Soc. Interface 2012;9: ©2012 by The Royal Society

Deterministic antibiotic resistance model. Joseph N. S. Eisenberg et al. J. R. Soc. Interface 2012;9: ©2012 by The Royal Society

The risk ratio of AR prevalence comparing a non-remote village (close) with a remote village (far) as a function of the ratio of transmission rates for close versus far villages. Joseph N. S. Eisenberg et al. J. R. Soc. Interface 2012;9: ©2012 by The Royal Society