THE JEWS AND ROMANS Jerusalem—capital of Israel Kingdom divided into two kingdoms Judah and Israel Israel was destroyed Jews survived—people of Judah
ROMAN RULE 63 B.C. Romans took over Judah 6 A.D. Emperor Augustus turned Judah into a Roman province called Judaea Procurator—Roman governor
JEWS REBEL Jews believed they should take back control Zealots convinced Jews to rebel in A.D. 66 Romans destroyed them Josephus—fought in war and wrote History of the Jewish War
JEWS REBEL 132 A.D. Jews rebelled again and were defeated Jews scattered all over the world By 700 A.D. Jews had settled in Spain Central Asia Europe Americas
THE LIFE OF JESUS Messiah—a deliverer of God and would help lead the Jews to freedom. Jesus-a Jew who was from Nazareth, who began preaching A.D. traveled throughout Judaea and Galilee
THE LIFE OF JESUS Crowds gathered to hear him preach Assembled a small band of 12 close followers called Disciples
WHAT DID JESUS TEACH Jesus preached, according to Christian Bible, that God was coming soon to rule the world Urged people to turn from sin Important to love God and their neighbors
WHAT DID JESUS TEACH Jesus’s main teachings from Sermon on the Mount Love and forgive from the heart Love and forgive each other God loves and forgives people These teachings helped shape the values many people in Europe and America hold today
WHAT DID JESUS TEACH Parables—stories that used events from everyday life to express spiritual ideas. Prodigal Son Good Smaritan
WHAT IS THE CRUCIFIXION Followers spoke of healing and miracles Others rejected Jesus and called him a deceiver Roman rulers feared Jesus and effects of his teachings
WHAT IS THE CRUCIFIXION Jesus went to Jerusalem to celebrate the Passover—an important Jewish holiday Jesus was arrested Charged with treason (disloyalty) Jesus was crucified—hanging from a cross until dead
WHAT IS THE CRUCIFIXION Jesus’s followers reported Jesus was alive and risen from the dead. Mary Magdalene was the first to report Proof Jesus was the messiah Resurrection—rising from the dead This was the beginning of Christianity
THE FIRST CHRISTIANS Jesus’s disciples spread the message of Jesus and resurrection Became known as Jesus Christ Christo—Greek word for “Messiah” Formed churches for worship and teaching
WHO WERE PETER AND PAUL Apostles—early Christian leaders who had been chosen by Jesus to spread the message Simon Peter Jewish fisher One of the original 12 disciples Went to Rome and set up a church
WHO WERE PETER AND PAUL Paul of Tarsus Well educated Jew and Roman citizen First worked to stop the spread of Christian ideas While traveling to Damascus, Paul saw a great light and heard Jesus’s voice Became a Christian on the spot and spread Christianity for the rest of his life
WHAT DO CHRISTIANS BELIEVE Salvation—be saved from sin and allowed to enter heaven After death would be resurrected and join God in everlasting life God existed in three persons Father Son Holy Ghost Became known as the “Trinity” –meaning three