Charlie Mayfield UWSMC May 9,
The rapid distribution of social media which expands exponentially, mimicking the spread of a computer virus or viral disease epidemic….. 2
San Diego based non-profit headed by Jason Russell started in 2004 Seeks to Have Kony arrested and tried for crimes against humanity Stop LRA brutal & inhumane practices of: Murder, rape, attack and destruction of towns & villages Abducting and abusing children Forcing children to become LRA soldiers 5
Create social & political awareness Produce & present films & videos to high schools and colleges throughout the US Produced April 2007 “Displace Me” event 67,000 US activists slept in the streets in “cardboard villages” to raise awareness of Ugandan refugees fleeing the LRA 6
President Obama signs “Lord’s Resistance Army Disarmament and Northern Uganda Recovery Act” Commits funds and Special Forces support to find & arrest Kony and pledges to “support the people northern Uganda” 7
Invisible Children launches new website and video Intent was to Raise awareness of Kony situation Increase public pressure to capture Kony Donate to the cause 8
Video & website showed 20 celebrities and 12 politicians as supporters Viewers asked to select celebs and politicos and send them scripted Tweets to support the cause Celebs & politicos then Tweeted to their audiences to support the cause and watch the video Facebook pages also featured many shared links and comments 9
Celebrities George Clooney Bono Oprah Rihanna Tim Tebow Angelina Jolie Jay-Z Ellen DeGeneres Bill O’Reilly Taylor Swift Bill Gates & 9 more Politicians Bill Clinton George Bush Mitt Romney Condeliza Rice John Boehner John Kerry & 6 more 10
Oprah 11.2M Followers Oprah : “Thanks tweeps for sending me info about ending #LRAviolence. I am aware. Have supported with $’s and voice and will not stop. #KONY2012.” Rihanna: 18.5M Followers Rihanna “ #KONY2012 Spread the word!!! PLEASE go to Even if its 10 minutes… Trust me, you NEED to know about this! #1LOVE” 12
100M views worldwide in 6 days!!!! Became the fastest growing on-line video of all time! Viral spread primarily due to year olds sharing links on Twitter and Facebook (Pew Research
Ran around San Diego naked & incoherent Destroyed campaign’s credibility and shifted its focus…. 17
April 20 “Cover the Night” event was poorly supported in US and worldwide Supporters were asked to “Cover The Night” with banners, posters, fliers, chalk art, and other visual materials Stage rallies “Kony Part II – Beyond Famous” video had fraction of “Kony 2012” views 2M vs 100M+ 18
Viral campaign created broad awareness Made Kony a bad-guy celebrity But …. Failed to activate audience beyond spreading the message Awareness did not lead to action Too many steps from “raise awareness…” to “find & arrest Kony” 19
Over 12M Twitter mentions on 9 tags in March, less the 500,000 in April 23
“Slacker” + “Activism” = “Slacktivism” Film said to inherently promote “Slacktivism” – creation of feel good measures for a social cause, such as sharing digital content, but not taking any real action to implement change 24