THE ARMY By Cody Hunt
HISTORY Some of the previous wars the U.S have been involved in are the civil war, Indian war, world war 1 and 2, Vietnam, Afghanistan, and Iraq. the civil war was the bloodiest war ever Vietnam was such a large war it cause a draft
ARMY TECH U.S army officials are collaborating new ways to package ammunition The stealth bomber is a very effective air craft that carries a certain amount of bombs Another effective piece of tech are the night vision googels
BASIC TRAINING Before a soldier actually goes into combat he/she must go through a series of training called “basic training” My dad was in basic training for desert storm/ the gulf war, but never went to war I want to follow in his foot steps and be as successful as him
DESERT STORM My dad was in the gulf war/ operation desert storm He left before he went to war I am glad he didn’t because I wouldn’t have a dad if he did go to war a was killed
DIFFERENT JOBS There are about 150 different jobs in the army Some are, rangers, engineers, and warrant officers There are many more jobs in the army and different things you can do
SPECIAL FORCES Special Forces groups are organized in small teams of 12 men — a.k.a. Operational Detachment Alpha (ODA) This is basically a small group of elite soldiers that must be highly disciplined They must be highly trained in order to complete their missions in a quick and effective manner
THE REAL DEAL Basic training is easy compared to the real thing The real thing is just chaos, there are bullets, yelling, grenades, rockets, and tanks all around you That’s when you start to wonder if you will die or not
THE BRIGHT SIDE If you don’t die in the army you will or should be thankful You will earn respect in and outside your family I want to join because I want to serve my country
MILITARY ETHICS AND CONFLICTS OF INTEREST You must be honest and always straight forward If you lie they will easily find out and punish you You need to always show integrity Compassion is an essential element of good government
DRILL SERGEANTS A drill sergeant is a symbol of excellence in initial entry training Drill sergeants are responsible for coaching hundreds, if not thousands of civilians and training them into combat ready soldiers Drill sergeant candidates must go through drill sergeant school to become a drill sergeant