System optimisation Unit 11.4A Computer Science Grade 11
Learning objectives understand the resources of the PC and networks for the optimization of software be aware of system memory and RAM know the features of purpose of task manager
Task Manager and Monitoring Processes What happens when we run several processes at the same time? Let’s try this, make screenshots of the task manager and annotate what is happening
Learning objectives Explain how RAM, CPUs affect performance Understand what is meant by Physical Memory and Virtual Memory Be able to explain different types of sound file compression
Physical Memory and Virtual Memory
Physical memory Also referred to as the physical storage or the real storage, physical memory is a term used to describe the total amount of memory installed in the computer. For example, if the computer has two 64MB memory modules installed, it has a total of 128MB of physical memory. ?qid= AAKpzbB ?qid= AAKpzbB
Physical Memory and Virtual Memory Another type of memory is virtual memory, that is derived from the operating system's use of the hard disk to temporarily write and read information to simulate a larger memory capacity. See notesnotes
Questions - Physical Memory and Virtual Memory Give a definition of Physical Memory Give a definition of Virtual Memory What is a page file ? How does the system work out how much Virtual Memory you need at any one time?
Sound Compression Let us look at different ways of file compression and how sound can be compressed Go to Psychoacoustics page and look at the Software sectionPsychoacoustics Make notes in your copy books on this section
Quiz Time! uting_hardware/memory/quiz/walkplank_ memory.htm uting_hardware/memory/quiz/walkplank_ memory.htm